Where is Arnfels, Leibnitz, Styria, Austria, location on the map of Austria. Exact geographical coordinates, latitude and longitude — 46.6765033, 15.401823.
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Arnfels (Slovene: Arnež) is a municipality in the district of Leibnitz in Styria, Austria. Arnfels. Municipality. View of Arnfels. Coat of arms of Arnfels.
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The MICHELIN Arnfels map: Arnfels town maps, road map and tourist map, with MICHELIN hotels, tourist sites and restaurants for Arnfels.
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Apple Maps. Legal · Cheney. Stündlich Koordinaten. Breitengrad Längengrad. 37° 37' Norden 97° 46' Süd. Dezimal Koordinaten. Breitengrad Längengrad. 37.63001
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Arnfels, Leibnitz, Styria, Austria on the map, where it is located. Latitude and longitude coordinates: 15.401823, 46.6765033. According to the latest data, the ...
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Arnfels, St, 01.01.1966, PLZ-Adressierung, extern, Ja, Ja, 46.6768774405854 ... Map style: road. Map shortcuts: Zoom out: hyphen. Zoom in: plus. Pan right 100 ...
Breitengrad: 46.6771, Längengrad: 15.4024 46° 40′ 38″ Norden, 15° 24′ 9 ... Arnfels Karte. +−. Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors. Arnfels ...
Arnfels-Remschnigg. 763. 15° 22' 02" 46° 39' 06". FA17C. VL. 9. È. 10. Bad Aussee. 660. 13° 47' 59" 47° 37' 40". ZAMG STMK. NS. 2. Ÿ. 11. Bad Gleichenberg. 293.
Kaindorf an der Sulm, Arnfels. Breitengrad, 46.801378. Längengrad, 15.541261. Region-ISO, AT-6. Schulträger, Bund. Gründungsjahr, 1993. Schülerzahl, etwa 1.000.