Using a Kyusu (Japanese Teapot)

Kyusu (\’kyü-(.)sü\): a teapot with a handle mounted on the side for ease and control over pouring. There is a screen at the base of the spout to strain the tea leaves. Kyusu are often made from iron-rich clay, such as those from Mie Prefecture (Banco ware) or Tokoname (Tokoname ware), Japan. They are primarily used for Japanese green tea requiring low steeping temperatures. 

Instructions for Use

Warm the kyusu by filling it with hot water. Pour off the water and add tea. Refill with the correct temperature water, and steep for the times listed on the chart based on the style of tea.

When the steeping time is up, pour tea into a cup or small serving pitcher, starting with several short pours (roughly 10). Initially pour a very small amount of tea and increase the volume of the pours gradually. These short rocking motions prevent the leaves from clogging the spout, allowing small tea particles to slip through the screen and flavor the cup. Pour out as much tea as possible.

Before adding water for a second steeping, reposition the leaves away from the spout. Add the proper temperature water and steep for 20-30 seconds.

Start the second pour with fewer short pours than the first infusion (roughly 5). The small tea particles should slip through more readily this time, so less rocking motion is necessary.

The goal of the varied pouring between the two infusions is to ensure that the first and second infusions are identical in color and viscosity.

Amount of Tea

Water Temperature

Steeping time

Asamushi Sencha

1 gram per oz of water


60-90 seconds

Kabuse Sencha

1.5 grams per oz of water


 1.5-2 minutes

Chumushi Sencha

1 gram per oz of water


60-90 seconds

Fukamushi Sencha

1.5 grams per oz of water


60-90 seconds

Kukicha,Genmaicha or Bancha

1 gram per oz of water


  2 minutes