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Application Development

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1 Application Development

2 Access Linux Platform Application development
The Access Linux Platform presents standard APIs for most common operations (as defined by the POSIX and LSB standards). Since neither POSIX nor LSB address areas such as telephony, device customization, messaging, etc., there are a number of additional frameworks and APIs defined by Access for these areas.

3 Access Linux Platform Application development
Applications for ALP can be developed as Linux-native code in C or C++, as legacy Palm OS applications (which run in the Garnet VM emulation environment), or in Java. Additional execution environments can be supported via the development of a "launchpad" utilized by the Application Manager (part of the Hiker framework).

4 Access Linux Platform Application development
The ALP SDK uses an Eclipse-based IDE, with additional plug-ins, as did its predecessor Palm OS development environment. The compilers used are EABI-enabled ARM versions of the standard gcc tool chain.

5 Electronic business Data transmission and application development
All sensitive information being transmitted should be encrypted. Businesses can opt to refuse clients who can't accept this level of encryption. Confidential and sensitive information should also never be sent through . If it must be, then it should also be encrypted.

6 Electronic business Data transmission and application development
Transferring and displaying secure information should be kept to a minimum. This can be done by never displaying a full credit card number for example. Only a few of the numbers may be shown, and changes to this information can be done without displaying the full number. It should also be impossible to retrieve this information online.

7 Electronic business Data transmission and application development
Source code should also be kept in a secure location. It should not be visible to the public.

8 Electronic business Data transmission and application development
Applications and changes should be tested before they are placed online for reliability and compatibility.

9 Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless - Brew application development
For testing applications during the development process, the SDK includes a Brew emulator, or starting with Brew version and above, the Brew Simulator

10 Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless - Brew application development
The Brew emulator, named Brew Simulator, does not emulate handset hardware. Instead, the Brew application is compiled to native code and linked with a compatible Brew runtime library. Because of this, applications cannot be tested for platform bugs related to memory alignment and various firmware related glitches without a Brew handset operating in test mode.

11 Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless - Brew application development
For testing purposes, Brew applications can be transferred using a Universal Serial Bus (USB) or serial cable to any Brew-compatible handset using Brew AppLoader from Qualcomm

12 Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless - Brew application development
Brew applications may be unloaded from a consumer handset to save handset memory space

13 Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless - Brew application development
On May 28, 2008, Qualcomm and Adobe announced a partnership to integrate Adobe Flash Lite as a supported user interface on Brew.

14 Conceptual model - Joint Application Development
The Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) uses a specific process called Joint Application Design (JAD) to conceptually model a systems life cycle

15 Software development process - Rapid application development
Rapid application development R.A.D is a software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping

16 Software development process - Rapid application development
In rapid application development, structured techniques and prototyping are especially used to define users' requirements and to design the final system

17 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Rapid application development (RAD) is a software development methodology, which involves iterative development and the construction of prototypes. Rapid application development is a term originally used to describe a software development process introduced by James Martin in 1991.

18 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Key objective is for fast development and delivery of a high quality system at a relatively low investment cost.

19 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Attempts to reduce inherent project risk by breaking a project into smaller segments and providing more ease-of-change during the development process.

20 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Aims to produce high quality systems quickly, primarily via iterative Prototyping (at any stage of development), active user involvement, and computerized development tools. These tools may include Graphical User Interface (GUI) builders, Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools, Database Management Systems (DBMS), fourth-generation programming languages, code generators, and object-oriented techniques.

21 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Key emphasis is on fulfilling the business need, while technological or engineering excellence is of lesser importance.

22 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Project control involves prioritizing development and defining delivery deadlines or “timeboxes”. If the project starts to slip, emphasis is on reducing requirements to fit the timebox, not in increasing the deadline.

23 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Generally includes joint application design (JAD), where users are intensely involved in system design, via consensus building in either structured workshops, or electronically facilitated interaction.

24 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Iteratively produces production software, as opposed to a throwaway prototype.

25 Software development methodology - Rapid application development
Produces documentation necessary to facilitate future development and maintenance.

26 James Martin (author) - Rapid Application Development (RAD)
Rapid application development is a term originally used to describe a software development process introduced by James Martin in Martin’s methodology involves iterative development and the construction of prototypes. More recently, the term and its acronym have come to be used in a broader, generic sense that encompasses a variety of techniques aimed at speeding application development, such as the use of web application frameworks and other types of software frameworks.

27 James Martin (author) - Rapid Application Development (RAD)
RAD approaches may entail compromises in functionality and performance in exchange for enabling faster development and facilitating application maintenance.

28 Rapid application development
Rapid application development (RAD) is a software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. The "planning" of software developed using RAD is interleaved with writing the software itself. The lack of extensive pre-planning generally allows software to be written much faster, and makes it easier to change requirements.

29 Rapid application development - History
Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a term originally used for describing a software development process first developed and successfully deployed during the mid-1970s by the New York Telephone Co's Systems Development Center under the direction of Dan Gielan. Following a series of remarkably successful implementations of this process, Gielan lectured extensively in various forums on the methodology, practice, and benefits of this process.

30 Rapid application development - History
RAD involves iterative development and the construction of prototypes. In 1990, in his book RAD, Rapid Application Development, James Martin documented his interpretation of the methodology. More recently, the term and its acronym have come to be used in a broader, general sense that encompasses a variety of methods aimed at speeding application development, such as the use of software frameworks of varied types, such as web application frameworks.

31 Rapid application development - History
Rapid application development is a response to processes developed in the 1970s and 1980s, such as the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method and other Waterfall models

32 Rapid application development - History
Starting with the ideas of Brian Gallagher, Alex Balchin, Barry Boehm and Scott Shultz, James Martin developed the rapid application development approach during the 1980s at IBM and finally formalized it by publishing a book in 1991, Rapid Application Development.

33 Rapid application development - Four phases of RAD
Requirements Planning phase – combines elements of the system planning and systems analysis phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. It ends when the team agrees on the key issues and obtains management authorization to continue.

34 Rapid application development - Four phases of RAD
User design phase – during this phase, users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, inputs, and outputs. The RAD groups or subgroups typically use a combination of Joint Application Development (JAD) techniques and CASE tools to translate user needs into working models. User Design is a continuous interactive process that allows users to understand, modify, and eventually approve a working model of the system that meets their needs.

35 Rapid application development - Four phases of RAD
Construction phase – focuses on program and application development task similar to the SDLC. In RAD, however, users continue to participate and can still suggest changes or improvements as actual screens or reports are developed. Its tasks are programming and application development, coding, unit-integration and system testing.

36 Rapid application development - Four phases of RAD
Cutover phase – resembles the final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase, including data conversion, testing, changeover to the new system, and user training. Compared with traditional methods, the entire process is compressed. As a result, the new system is built, delivered, and placed in operation much sooner.

37 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
The shift from traditional session-based client/server development to open sessionless and collaborative development like Web 2.0 has increased the need for faster iterations through the phases of the software development process. This, coupled with the growing use of open source frameworks and products in core commercial development, has, for many developers, rekindled interest in finding a silver bullet RAD methodology.

38 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
Rapid Application Development (RAD) can be considered as a type of Agile technique or vice-a-versa. Some may, however, choose to separate these two based on the fact that RAD focuses on developing what is interesting instead of what is needed, as in conventional Agile. But it can be argued that end users are eventually going to need what interests them, thus making it hard to differentiate between the two methodologies.

39 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
Although most RAD methodologies foster software re-use, small team structure and distributed system development, most RAD practitioners recognize that, ultimately, no one “rapid” methodology can provide an order of magnitude improvement over any other development methodology.

40 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
All types of RAD have the potential for providing a good framework for faster product development with improved software quality, but successful implementation and benefits often hinge on project type, schedule, software release cycle and corporate culture

41 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
This table contains a high-level summary of some of approaches that can be thought to have their roots in RAD:

42 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
Agile Minimizes feature creep by developing in short intervals resulting in miniature software projects and releasing the product in mini-increments. Short iteration may add too little functionality, leading to significant delays in final iterations

43 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
Extreme Lowers the cost of changes through quick spirals of new requirements. Most design activity occurs incrementally and on the fly. Programmers must work in pairs, which is difficult for some people. No up-front “detailed design” occurs, which can result in more redesign effort in the long term. The business champion attached to the project full-time can potentially become a single point of failure for the project and a major source of stress for a team.

44 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
Joint application Captures the voice of the customer by involving them in the design and development of the application through a series of collaborative workshops called JAD sessions. The client may create an unrealistic product vision and request extensive gold-plating, leading a team to over- or underdevelop functionality.

45 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
Lean Creates minimalist solutions (i.e., needs determine technology) and delivers less functionality earlier; per the policy that 80% today is better than 100% tomorrow. Product may lose its competitive edge because of insufficient core functionality and may exhibit poor overall quality.

46 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
RAD Promotes strong collaborative atmosphere and dynamic gathering of requirements. Business owner actively participates in prototyping, writing test cases and performing unit testing. Dependence on strong cohesive teams and individual commitment to the project. Decision-making relies on the feature functionality team and a communal decision-making process with lesser degree of centralized project management and engineering authority.

47 Rapid application development - Relative effectiveness
Scrum Agile framework

48 Rapid application development - Criticism
Since rapid application development is an iterative and incremental process, it can lead to a succession of prototypes that never culminate in a satisfactory production application. Such failures may be avoided if the application development tools are robust, flexible, and put to proper use. This is addressed in methods such as the 2080 Development method or other post-agile variants.

49 Rapid application development - Criticism
Furthermore, there is a phenomenon behind a failed succession of unsatisfactory prototypes: End-users intuitively and primarily look to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) as a first measure of software qualities. The faster they "see" something working, the more "rapid" they perceive the development cycle to be. This is because the GUI has a strong natural directly viewable presence, while other problem domain code must be deduced or inferred, going largely unnoticed.

50 Rapid application development - Criticism
As programmers are generally software end-users first and programmers later, this natural gravitation towards "seeing" is engrained from the beginning (e.g

51 Rapid application development - Criticism
Ultimately, the triad of players (e.g

52 Rapid application development - Criticism
First, there is the lack of rapid application development tools that emphasize the appropriate problem domain

53 Rapid application development - Practical implications
When organizations adopt rapid development methodologies, care must be taken to avoid role and responsibility confusion and communication breakdown within a development team, and between team and client

54 Rapid application development - Further reading
Steve McConnell (1996). Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules, Microsoft Press Books, ISBN

55 Rapid application development - Further reading
Kerr, James M.; Hunter, Richard (1993). Inside RAD: How to Build a Fully Functional System in 90 Days or Less. McGraw-Hill. ISBN

56 Rapid application development - Further reading
Ken Schwaber (1996). Agile Project Management with Scrum, Microsoft Press Books, ISBN

57 Rapid application development - Further reading
Steve McConnell (2003). Professional Software Development: Shorter Schedules, Higher Quality Products, More Successful Projects, Enhanced Careers, Addison-Wesley, ISBN

58 Systems design - Rapid application development (RAD)
Rapid application development (RAD) is a methodology in which a systems designer produces prototypes for an end-user. The end-user reviews the prototype, and offers feedback on its suitability. This process is repeated until the end-user is satisfied with the final system.

59 ICL VME - Application development tools
* third-generation programming languages

60 ICL VME - Application development tools
* 4GL|fourth-generation QuickBuild toolset.

61 ICL VME - Application development tools
The toolset on VME is unusually homogeneous, with most customers using the same core set of languages and tools. As a result, the tools are also very well integrated. Third-party tools have made relatively little impression.

62 ICL VME - Application development tools
For many years the large majority of VME users wrote applications in COBOL, usually making use of the IDMS database and the Transaction Processing Management System|TPMS transaction processing monitor

63 ICL VME - Application development tools
The compilers developed within ICL share a common architecture, and in some cases share components such as code-generators. Many of the compilers used a module named ALICE and produced an early form of precompiled code (P-Code) termed ROSE, making compiled Object Module Format (OMF) libraries loadable on any machine in the range. .

64 Mobile application development - Platform development environment
The following table summarizes the elements in each of the development environments.

65 Mobile application development - Platform development environment
Criteria for selecting a development platform usually contains the target mobile platforms, existing infrastructure and development skills. When targeting more than one platform with cross-platform development it is also important to consider the impact of the tool on the user experience. Performance is another important criteria, as research on Mobile Applications indicates a strong correlation between application performance and user satisfaction.

66 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
Mobile Applications are first tested within the development environment using emulators and later subjected to field testing. Emulators provide an inexpensive way to test applications on mobile phones to which developers may not have physical access. The following are examples of tools used for testing application across the most popular mobile Operating Systems.

67 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
* Google Android Emulator

68 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
It is Android (Operating System)|Android Emulator which is patched to run on a Windows PC as a standalone app without having to download and install the complete and complex Android SDK. It can be installed and Android compatible apps can be tested on it.

69 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
* Official Android SDK Emulator

70 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
It includes a mobile device emulator which mimics all of the hardware and software features of a typical mobile device (without the calls).

71 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
MobiOne Developer is a mobile Web Integrated development environment|IDE for Windows that helps developers to code, test, debug, package and deploy mobile Web applications to devices such as iPhone, BlackBerry, Android (Operating System)|Android, and the Palm Pre.

72 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
It is a web browser-based simulator for quickly testing iPhone web applications. This tool has been tested and works using Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2 and Safari 3.

73 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
It gives a pixel-accurate web browsing environment and it is powered by Safari (web browser)|Safari. It can be used while developing web sites for the iPhone. It is not an iPhone simulator but instead is designed for web developers who want to create 320 by 480 (or 480 by 320) websites for use with iPhone.iPhoney will only run on Mac OS X or later.

74 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
* BlackBerry Simulator

75 Mobile application development - Mobile application testing
There are a variety of official BlackBerry simulators available to emulate the functionality of actual BlackBerry products and test how the BlackBerry device software, screen, keyboard and trackwheel will work with application.

76 Mobile application development - Tools
* AppgyverToolbelt: Tooling to develop and iterate apps for PhoneGap across the two major smartphone platforms – Android and iOS – with no requirement for Xcode.

77 Mobile application development - Tools
* Eggplant (GUI testing tool)|eggPlant: A GUI-based automated test tool for Mobile Application across all Operating Systems and devices.

78 Mobile application development - Tools
* Sikuli: This is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images.

79 Mobile application development - Tools
* Ranorex: Test automation tools for mobile, web and desktop apps.

80 Mobile application development - Application stores
List of digital distribution platforms for mobile devices|Several initiatives exist both from mobile vendor and mobile operators around the world

81 Mobile application development - Patents
There are many patents applications pending for new mobile phone apps. Most of these are in the technological fields of Business methods, Database management, Data transfer and Operator interface.

82 Mobile application development - Patents
On May 31, 2011, Lodsys asserted two of its four patents: U.S. Patent No. 7,620,565 (the '565 patent) on a customer-based design module and U.S. Patent No. 7,222,078 (the '078 patent) on Methods and Systems for Gathering Information from Units of a Commodity Across a Network. against the following application developers:

83 Mobile application development - Patents
* Wulven Game Studios of Hanoi, Vietnam

84 Kynetx - Application development
Developers write applications in the Kinetic Rule Language (KRL), a rule-based language for defining contextual interactions with web pages a user visits. Currently, such development can be done via the interface of the Kynetx AppBuilder.

85 Kynetx - Application development
Kynetx, Inc. has a strategic partnership with Acxiom to support developers building applications helping businesses make informed marketing and business decisions using Acxiom consumer data.

86 Kynetx - Application development
Other data sources include GData, Amazon's Product Advertising and OData API access.

87 Social Web - Mobile application development
Most of the modern mobile applications, and indeed even browser applications, come from released Software Development Kits to developers. The developers create their applications and share them with users via app markets. Users can comment on their experiences with the applications, allowing all users to view the comments of others, and thus have a greater understanding of what is to be expected from the application. Typically there is also a rating a system in addition to comments.

88 Social Web - Mobile application development
Mobile social Web applications are built using various APIs. These APIs allow for the interaction and interconnection of data on one social database, be it Facebook, Twitter, or Google Account, thus creating a literal web of data connections. These applications then add to the user experience specific to the application itself. Examples include TweetDeck and Blogger (service)

89 Cappuccino (application development framework)
'Cappuccino' is an open source application development framework for developing web applications that look and feel like desktop applications on Mac OS X. Cappuccino was developed by University of Southern California graduates Francisco Tolmasky, Tom Robinson and Ross Boucher, who are also the founders of 280 North, Inc. It is primarily targeted towards web applications developers.

90 Cappuccino (application development framework)
Cappuccino consists of two distinct components: a programming language called Objective-J and an object-oriented library which is the Objective-J port of several of the Cocoa (API)|Cocoa frameworks, namely Foundation Kit, Application Kit, CoreGraphics, and CoreAnimation.

91 Cappuccino (application development framework) - Objective-J
Objective-J adds traditional inheritance and Smalltalk/Objective-C message calls to JavaScript

92 Cappuccino (application development framework) - Features and advantages
Even though the Cappuccino framework uses standard web technologies for web page rendering, such as JavaScript, the browser Document Object Model, and Cascading Style Sheets, it is not a classical JavaScript widget library such as Ext (JavaScript library)|ExtJs, jQuery or Prototype JavaScript Framework|Prototype

93 Cappuccino (application development framework) - Compatibility
Cappuccino is compatible with many of the latest browsers, including: Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+, and Google Chrome.

94 Cappuccino (application development framework) - Differences from other frameworks
Cappuccino differs from other frameworks as it provides a complete abstraction from the DOM (Document Object Model), whereas other frameworks and libraries rely on the user understanding the DOM, and traditional web technologies. Cappuccino doesn't require previous knowledge about web technologies. Cappuccino implements the latest HTML5 features, abstracted through a Cocoa-like API. Views are manipulated using an API that doesn't require CSS or DOM manipulation.

95 Cappuccino (application development framework) - Applications
The first widely known web application written in Objective-J/Cappuccino was 280 Slides, an online presentation preparation system. 280 Slides features the ability to import existing documents, an autosave recovery, is able to save documents as Powerpoint|Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, and OpenDocument formats, and has a wide range of themes.

96 Cappuccino (application development framework) - Applications
Since then, numerous other applications have been built on the Cappuccino framework. Notable examples include Mockingbird, a collaborative online wireframing tool, PicsEngine, a personal photo library on the web, GitHub issues, a front-end to GitHub's issues tracker, Spot Specific Apps a la Carte, an online Mobile App authoring tool, Archipel, a XMPP orchestrator to manage virtualization, and Akshell, a cloud-based JavaScript development platform.

97 Adobe Integrated Runtime - Application development
Adobe AIR supports Flash applications by running them within a contained Flash Player instance, and HTML/JavaScript/Ajax (programming)|Ajax web applications by running them within the included WebKit Web browser engine|rendering engine. Multiple instances of the browser can be started within a single AIR application, but JavaScript content executes with some security limitations.

98 Adobe Integrated Runtime - Application development
Adobe has provided a free SDK in order to build AIR applications, known as the AIR SDK. The AIR SDK allows developers to use any text editor such as Notepad++ or FlashDevelop (an IDE) to edit ActionScript source code (.as files), and then build a corresponding AIR application or AIR installer (.air file) from the same.

99 Adobe Integrated Runtime - Application development
Adobe provides for AIR HTML/JavaScript development with Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, although any other HTML editor or text editor can be used.

100 Spring Framework - Convention-over-configuration rapid application development
Spring Roo is Spring's Convention over configuration|convention-over-configuration solution for rapidly building applications in Java (programming language)|Java. It currently supports Spring Framework, Spring Security and Spring Web Flow, with remaining Spring projects scheduled to be added in due course. Roo differs from other rapid application development frameworks by focusing on:

101 * Java platform productivity (as opposed to other languages)
Spring Framework - Convention-over-configuration rapid application development * Java platform productivity (as opposed to other languages)

102 * Runtime avoidance (with associated deployment advantages)
Spring Framework - Convention-over-configuration rapid application development * Runtime avoidance (with associated deployment advantages)

103 Spring Framework - Convention-over-configuration rapid application development
* Lock-in avoidance (Roo can be removed within a few minutes from any application)

104 Palm OS - Application development
Palm OS Garnet applications are primarily coded in C (programming language)|C/C++

105 Palm OS - Application development
OnBoardC is a C compiler, assembler, linker and programming editor that runs on the Palm itself.

106 Palm OS - Application development
Palm OS Cobalt applications are also coded in a variation of gcc, but the Cobalt compilers have fewer limitations.

107 Palm OS - Application development
There are development tools available for Palm programming that do not require low-level programming in C/C++, such as PocketC/PocketC Architect, Compact Application Solution Language|CASL, AppForge|AppForge Crossfire (which uses Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, or C#), Handheld Basic, Pendragon Forms, [ Satellite Forms] and NSBasic/Palm (Visual Basic like languages)

108 Palm OS - Application development
Three environments allow programming in Pascal (programming language)|Pascal for Palm OS

109 Palm OS - Application development
As Palm has no connection drivers that enable the transfer of data with a server DBMS (Oracle, mySQL, MS SQL Server), the programmer can use Middleware software that enables this connectivity.

110 Palm OS - Application development
A roughly R4RS-compatible implementation of Scheme (programming language)|Scheme, LispMe, provides the Palm platform with a GPL-licensed onboard Lisp (programming language)|Lisp REPL with some Palm OS-specific adaptations, but although it is functionally a compiler it does not produce code that operates outside the development environment, so its use is restricted to prototyping.

111 Palm OS - Application development
A free development tool, LaFac, works directly on the Palm device, using the Memo Pad for source code editing, and provides support for a limited subset of C, Pascal, and Basic.

112 WebObjects - Rules-Based Rapid Application Development (RBRAD)
WebObjects features a set of rapid development technologies that can automatically create a Web application without the need to write any Java (programming language)|Java code. Given a model file for a database, WebObjects will create an interface supporting nine common database tasks, including querying, editing and listing. Such applications are useful for prototyping or administering a database, perhaps to check Relational model|relationships or to seed the database with data.

113 WebObjects - Rules-Based Rapid Application Development (RBRAD)
The user interface is generated dynamically, on-the-fly at runtime using a rules-based system—no code is generated. Consequently, one can modify an application's configuration at Run time (program lifecycle phase)|runtime (using an assistant program) without recompiling or relaunching the application.

114 WebObjects - Rules-Based Rapid Application Development (RBRAD)
Developers can utilize one of three different technologies, depending upon the type of interface they wish to employ:

115 WebObjects - Rules-Based Rapid Application Development (RBRAD)
*'Direct To Java Client' allows developers to rapidly create a client desktop application using the Swing (Java)|Java Swing toolkit. An advantage of Java Client applications is that they can take advantage of the processing power of the client computer to perform operations such as sorting a list of items received from the server.

116 System designer - Rapid application development (RAD)
Rapid application development (RAD) is a methodology in which a systems designer produces prototypes for an end-user. The end-user reviews the prototype, and offers feedback on its suitability. This process is repeated until the end-user is satisfied with the final system.

117 Software development life cycle - Rapid application development
Rapid application development R.A.D is a software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping

118 NS Basic - Mobile Application Development
The company also undertakes custom development for companies who need applications for mobile devices, such as iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Palm OS. Applications can be developed for just one platform or for multiple platforms.

119 Oracle Application Development Framework
In computing, 'Oracle Corporation|Oracle Application Development Framework', usually called 'Oracle ADF', provides a commercial Java programming language|Java software framework|framework for building enterprise applications. It provides visual and declarative approaches to Java EE development. It supports rapid application development based on ready-to-use Design pattern (computer science)|design patterns, metadata-driven and visual tools.

120 Oracle Application Development Framework - Supported technologies
Based on the Model-view-controller|MVC architecture. Oracle ADF can support any combination of the following:

121 Oracle Application Development Framework - Model
* ADF Business components

122 Oracle Application Development Framework - Model
* Comma-separated values|CSV and XML files

123 Oracle Application Development Framework - Controller
* ADF Task Flows - extension of the JSF controller layer that adds complete process flow and reusability aspects.

124 Oracle Application Development Framework - View
* ADF Mobile browser - based on Apache Software Foundation|Apache Trinidad

125 Oracle Application Development Framework - View
* Excel through ADF desktop integration

126 Oracle Application Development Framework - View
The Oracle JDeveloper free as in beer|free Integrated Development Environment provides a graphical interface for creating data-management applications using ADF.

127 Oracle Application Development Framework - Mobile application development
* [ Oracle ADF Mobile] - a HTML5_in_mobile_devices#Hybrid_Mobile_App_Frameworks|hybrid framework for mobile development

128 Oracle Application Development Framework - Mobile application development
Oracle ADF Mobile includes a controller layer based on the ADF Taskflow concepts, as well as support for the ADF binding solution for easy binding of UI to services. Oracle ADF Mobile support interaction with device features such as GPS, contacts, SMS and more.

129 Oracle Application Development Framework - History
Oracle Corporation has marketed parts of Oracle ADF since 1999 — specifically ADF Business Components — then known as JBO and later as BC4J (Business Components for Java).

130 Oracle Application Development Framework - History
The ADF architecture with the generic model/binding layer was introduced with JDeveloper

131 Oracle Application Development Framework - History
In June 2006 Oracle Corporation donated the ADF Faces component library to MyFaces Trinidad|Apache Trinidad. (ADF Faces, Oracle's JavaServer Faces|JSF implementation, includes over 100 components.)

132 Oracle Application Development Framework - History
In September 2012 Oracle introduced a free version of the core Oracle ADF technologies under the name Oracle ADF Essentials. For more information, see

133 Oracle Application Development Framework - Licensing
The Oracle Application Server licence includes a component for a license fee for Oracle ADF. This means that all users who have purchased an Oracle Application Server licence may use Oracle ADF for free. Users who want to deploy ADF to a third-party application-server can purchase an ADF runtime license at their local Oracle sales office. Users can develop and test Oracle ADF applications free of charge declaratively within Oracle JDeveloper.

134 Oracle Application Development Framework - Licensing
Oracle Corporation purchased WebLogic in June 2008, and thus no longer regards it as a third-party application-server, so ADF is included in every WebLogic license.

135 Oracle Application Development Framework - Licensing

136 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Accelerator (software)|Accelerator Development Solutions provides end-to-end RAD generation and other productivity frameworks for C# and for cross platform support C.

137 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Alpha Five: A rapid development tool for building database driven web and mobile tools based on HTML5.

138 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * AppFlower: A RAD platform allowing to build Business Applications working on every devices.

139 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Code::Blocks is a cross-platform C/C++ RAD IDE using wxWidgets; the latest developmental builds have a built-in form designer wxSmith, so it's similar to Embarcadero C++ Builder and Microsoft Visual C++/MFC now.

140 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * DaDaBIK is a software written in PHP aimed at quickly creating a Create, read, update and delete|CRUD (create, read, update, delete) database front-end or a simple database-driven application without coding. The Database management system|DBMSs currently supported are: MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

141 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Ebase Xi is a commercial rapid application development computing platform|platform that combines web browser-based user interface development, business process management and data integration into a single-technology Integrated development environment|IDE.

142 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * IBM Rational Business Developer Extension is a cross-platform, Rapid Application Development IDE for creating enterprise and web applications and services for Windows, Linux, Unix (Solaris, HPUX, AIX), System z and System i

143 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * IBM Rational Application Developer is a cross-platform, Rapid Application Development IDE for creating enterprise and web applications and services for Windows, Linux and Unix (Solaris, HPUX, AIX)

144 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * LANSA (development environment)|LANSA is a development environment for generating applications on multiple platforms. One of the main features of LANSA is its high level programming language, called RDML (Rapid Development and Maintenance Language). It is classified as a 4GL (4th generation language). LANSA-developed applications run on many systems including MS Windows, IBM i and Linux.

145 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Lazarus (software)|Lazarus is a cross-platform IDE similar to Embarcadero Delphi.

146 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * m-Power is a Software Development tool which automates application development and rapidly creates enterprise-class Web applications over any database or platform.

147 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * MyEclipse is a Rapid Application Development environment, focusing on enterprise Java and Web application development. The specialty MyEclipse Blue Edition is most similar to IBM Rational Application Developer.

148 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * NetBeans is a cross-platform, RAD IDE for creating visual desktop, mobile, web, and SOA applications for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. The IDE officially supports Java, PHP, JavaScript and C/C++ programming languages.

149 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * nuBuilder is an open source browser based database development tool which stores all forms, reports, data and any custom code in MySQL and displays the content dynamically.

150 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Omnis Studio is a cross-platform, Rapid Application Development tool or IDE for creating enterprise and web applications for Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X.

151 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * OpenROAD is a cross-platform IDE for Linux/Unix, Windows with embedded SQL support

152 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Panther (development tool)|Panther is a cross-platform (Microsoft windows|Windows, Unix, Linux; Text user interface|TUI, GUI, World Wide Web|Web), cross-database RAD toolset for development of client–server and n-tier|n-tier database-oriented applications.

153 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * PureBasic Form Designer is a drag drop development tool integrated into the PureBasic IDE that compiles to very compact 32 and 64-bit machine code executables for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.

154 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Real Studio is a cross-platform IDE for creating desktop applications for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The language is similar to both VB and Java. It compiles to machine code, uses native controls and produces native executables.

155 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * RadRails is a cross-platform IDE for creating Ruby on Rails web applications.

156 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Servoy Servoy is a cross-platform application development and deployment environment. Servoy consists of a GUI designer, is event-driven and runs scripts through JavaScript. Servoy allows applications to be deployed to both a native Smart client / Rich client and to a pure HTML Web client from the same codebase and user interface

157 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Smartface: A cross platform native app development tool to create Mobile Applications for Android and iOS, using WYSIWYG design editor with JavaScript code editor.

158 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Squeak is an open-source, cross-platform Smalltalk system which can be used to develop applications for desktop, mobile, server-based, and web platforms. Squeak supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Mac OS Classic, many flavors of Unix, and a handful of other Operating Systems. Squeak is the home of the Seaside RAD web app framework and multiple GUI toolkits, some of which allow the building of GUIs by drag and drop.

159 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Ultimate++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework, featuring an integrated development environment called TheIDE.

160 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Visual FoxPro With its local cursor engine, tight coupling between language and data, and various features, Visual FoxPro 9.0 can be used for building database solutions of all sizes

161 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * VisualWorks is a cross-platform Smalltalk RAD for creating desktop, mobile, enterprise, and web-based applications for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Mac OS Classic, and a number of Unix systems. The system supports popular protocols and frameworks like ODBC, Seaside, and GemStone/S. Commercial and free non-commercial versions available.

162 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Web Dynpro is SAP's RAD to create web applications connected to function modules in mySAP ERP.

163 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * WideStudio is an open source integrated development environment for desktop applications purely made in Japan.

164 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * XVT is a cross-platform, Rapid Application Development IDE for creating enterprise and desktop applications in C/C++ on Windows, Linux, Unix (Solaris, HPUX, AIX), and Mac

165 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * XPower++ is a cross-platform IDE for Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and Mobile Operating Systems.

166 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * CA Technologies|CA Plex, a software development tool that combines the techniques of model-based development, patterns and code generation to accelerate the delivery and maintenance of multi-platform, distributed business applications

167 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cross-platform RAD tools * Philasmicos Entwickler Studio is a cross-platform C/C++ RAD IDE for wxWidgets.

168 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cloud-based RAD tools *AppFlower is a cloud based platform to develop Business Applications without hand coding.

169 *Coghead (is out of business as of 2009)
List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cloud-based RAD tools *Coghead (is out of business as of 2009)

170 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cloud-based RAD tools *Mendix is an enterprise application platform that facilitates the building, deployment and integration of web and Mobile Applications.

171 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cloud-based RAD tools *nuBuilder is an open source, browser based database development tool which stores all forms, reports, data and any custom code in MySQL and displays the content dynamically. With a tool available for converting from data, forms and reports from MS Access.

172 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cloud-based RAD tools *Progress Software Rollbase is a platform that allows rapid creation of robust and scalable software as a service (SaaS), data rich business apps using only drag drop tools and minimal code. It has import utilities for MS Access and apps.

173 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Cloud-based RAD tools *Wavemaker is an open-source, visual, drag and drop development studio that runs in a browser and generates standard Java applications for deployment.

174 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Accelerator (software)|Accelerator for .NET provides end-to-end RAD generation and other productivity frameworks for .NET, including support for MVVM, Windows Communication Foundation|WCF, and Windows Workflow Foundation|WF.

175 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Qt (framework)|Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. It includes a cross-platform class library, integrated development tools and a cross-platform IDE.

176 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Clarion (programming language)|Clarion is a data-centric Advanced Rapid Application Development (ARAD) tool featuring roundtrip code generation that preserves all of your own hand-written code while allowing you to re-generate your application as often as needed. It provides reusable metadata to quickly create corporate quality applications to manage business data

177 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Dolphin Smalltalk is a Smalltalk development environment for Windows with advance RAD features. Proprietary, with a free Community Edition.

178 * Gambas Basic, Open source, Linux
List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Gambas Basic, Open source, Linux

179 * Gupta Technologies|Gupta Team Developer / SQLWindows
List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Gupta Technologies|Gupta Team Developer / SQLWindows

180 * Lazarus (software)|Lazarus Pascal, Open Source, Multi-platform
List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Lazarus (software)|Lazarus Pascal, Open Source, Multi-platform

181 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * PureBasic Form Designer is a multi-platform drag drop development tool integrated into the PureBasic IDE that compiles to very compact 32 and 64-bit machine code executables for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.

182 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Real Studio from REAL Software is a cross-platform, drag and drop development tool that compiles to machine code, uses native controls and produces native executables for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and the web.

183 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Desktop rapid application development tools * Softwell Maker is a desktop IDE with a cross-platform deployment component allowing publish application into almost any Java enable system.

184 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools *AppFlower open source application builder using Propel (PHP)|Propel with a visual designer for Model Add/Edit/View.

185 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * Base One Foundation Component Library|Base One Foundation Component Library (BFC) is a RAD framework for building .NET Framework|.NET applications using Microsoft SQL Server|SQL Server, Oracle Database|Oracle, IBM DB2|DB2, Adaptive Server Enterprise|Sybase, and MySQL databases.

186 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * CodeCharge Studio is a visual rapid application development environment for web-based database driven application development. CodeCharge Studio places emphasis on code generation technology to provide ASP.NET, PHP, JavaServer Pages|JSP, Servlets, ColdFusion and Perl language support.

187 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * DaDaBIK is a software written in PHP aimed at fastly creating a Create, read, update and delete|CRUD (create, read, update, delete) database front-end or a simple database-driven application without coding. The Database management system|DBMSs currently supported are: MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

188 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * IBM Rational Business Developer Extension supports database application development for IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle database, Microsoft SQL Server and other JDBC compliant relational databases

189 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * IBM Rational Application Developer supports database application development for IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle database, Microsoft SQL Server and other JDBC compliant relational databases

190 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * IBM Lotus Notes is a RAD environment for collaboration and document management tasks.

191 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * FileMaker is a cross-platform database application from FileMaker Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple Inc.)

192 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * Base is an open source database-driven RAD development environment for building client (desktop) based applications.

193 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * Kexi is an open source database-driven RAD development environment for building desktop applications. It is considered an alternative to Open Office Base in the Open Source environment and provides similar features to commercially available RAD development environments such as FileMaker, Alpha Five and Microsoft Access.

194 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * Real Studio from REAL Software is a cross-platform, visual, drag and drop development tool with an object-oriented language that has a report editor and supports database connectivity to SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server (Windows only), Postgres and ODBC.

195 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * Softwell Maker is an ultra RAP data-centric IDE with a cross-platform deployment component allowing publish application into almost any Java enable system.

196 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * Sybase PowerBuilder is data-driven development tool for creating client/server, distributed, Web and Smart Clients applications for JEE, Win32, and .NET platforms.

197 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Database rapid application development tools * Visual DataFlex is a Windows based development environment for creating Windows and web-based database applications. Object oriented, database neutral, 3-tier model (database – business rules – user interface).

198 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Embedded control rapid application development tools * VisSim is a block diagram language for model based embedded system development

199 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Embedded control rapid application development tools * LabVIEW is a graphical programming language that allows you to program embedded off-the-shelf systems, FPGAs, custom designs

200 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Embedded control rapid application development tools * EICASLAB is a Visual programming language that allows you to design embedded control architectures, providing assistance in modelling, simulation, rapid control prototyping and automatic code generation for the final target.

201 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Notification/communication rapid application development tools * Boomerang Software Framework – Boomerang is a notification/communication framework for professional developers that provides a service oriented infrastructure and a rapid development interface. The infrastructure supports out, printers, fax servers, file/ftp servers and incoming ( to database).

202 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Active Agenda's code generator is a RAD development framework using XML specification files and the PHP development language.

203 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Alpha Five is a commercial RAD development environment for both client and web-server based database driven applications. This tool is typically classified with commercial packages such as Microsoft Access and FileMaker. Alpha Five has, in the last few years, evolved into becoming a real alternative to PHP, Visual and Ruby for building database driven web apps, but in a lot less time because its RAD component approach.

204 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * AppFlower is a very rapid application development framework for creating enterprise application without the need of coding. Advanced users can extend AppFlower applications using PHP, the Symfony framework and ExtJS.

205 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Base One Foundation Component Library|BFC is a RAD framework for both client and server-side development in the .NET environment.

206 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * CakePHP is a RAD development framework using the PHP development language.

207 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Caspio is a platform-as-a-service framework that uses wizards instead of coding for RAD.

208 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * CodeCharge Studio is a visual RAD development environment for web-based database driven application development. CodeCharge Studio places emphasis on code generation technology to provide ASP.NET, PHP, JavaServer Pages|JSP, Servlets, ColdFusion and Perl language support.

209 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Django (web framework)|Django is an open source web application framework, written in Python, which loosely follows the model-view-controller design pattern.

210 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Grails (framework)|Grails is an open-source Groovy (programming language)|Groovy-based high-productivity framework inspired by Ruby on Rails and following the Convention over configuration|coding by convention paradigm. Grails applications can run in standard Java servlet containers.

211 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Joget Workflow is an open source web-based application builder with emphasis on workflow and Business Process Management.

212 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Koding is an online development environment with the goal of simplifying worldwide development and providing free computation and development to everyone.

213 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * OpenXava is a Domain-driven design|domain-driven Java framework for rapid development of AJAX applications. It's open source.

214 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Oracle ADF|Oracle Application Development Framework uses Oracle's JDeveloper a FREE IDE that supports ADF's J2EE based framework.

215 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Pinax (software)|Pinax is python/django based platform for rapidly developing web based apps that integrates reusable Django apps and providing starter projects and infrastructure tools, so your apps already have capabilities like user registration, login, lost password workflows etc.

216 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Pylons project|Pylons is a set of open source web application frameworks, written in Python, which makes extensive use of the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) standard to promote re-usability and to separate functionality into distinct modules.

217 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * radPHP commercial, visual, rapid application development IDE for PHP by Embarcadero (formerly Delphi for PHP)

218 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Real Studio Web Edition is a rapid application development environment for the web. The language is object oriented and is similar to both VB and Java. Applications are uniquely compiled to binary code.

219 * Ruby on Rails sponsored by 37signals
List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Ruby on Rails sponsored by 37signals

220 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Scriptcase is a powerful tool to increase web development productivity. It supports most databases available generating highly customizable PHP code, AJAX and JQUERY.

221 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Spring Roo is an open source rapid application development tool that produces Java (programming language)|Java-based Spring Framework|Spring applications.

222 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Visual DataFlex is a Windows based development environment for creating advanced web-based database applications using AJAX. Object oriented, database neutral, 3-tier model (database – business rules – user interface).

223 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Wavemaker visual, drag and drop development, standard Java deployment, open source (Windows/Linux/MacOS). It has been acquired by VMWARE and now offers community and professional versions of the product.

224 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Web2py is a RAD framework for web-based database driven applications with key features including in-browser coding support, admin/design interface, DAL (database abstraction layer), and translation support.

225 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Wolf Frameworks is a 100% AJAX, XML .NET based Platform for designing and delivering cross platform web applications using a browser.

226 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Web-based RAD tools * Zend Framework is an open source, object-oriented web application framework licensed under the New BSD License.

227 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Components based on rapid application development paradigm * Add-in Express provides a number of rapid development tools for creating extensions for Microsoft Office applications and Internet Explorer using Visual Studio and Delphi.

228 List of graphical user interface builders and rapid application development tools - Components based on rapid application development paradigm * Panther (development tool)|Panther is a cross-platform (Microsoft windows|Windows, Unix, Linux; Text user interface|TUI, GUI, World Wide Web|Web), cross-database RAD toolset for development of n-tier component based database oriented applications. It builds native components employing the same visual paradigm used for client screens. Editions for middleware from IBM WebSphere|IBM, Tuxedo (software)|BEA and Component Object Model|Microsoft exist (and can be combined).

229 Model (abstract) - Joint Application Development
The Dynamic Systems Development Method|Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) uses a specific process called Joint application design|Joint Application Design (JAD) to conceptually model a systems life cycle

230 Sales engineer - Application development
Thus, when things work out correctly, both firms profit from the application development.

231 Sales engineer - Application development
This result also has broader economic implications, as it is a mechanism by which economic efficiency increases, productivity grows, and economic growth is encouraged. Inventors and research and development|RD people create new tools and processes; but they don't disseminate into the business world (to do any economic good) without some amount of applications development, teaching (from exposing decision-makers via trade shows to providing workers with training), and sales.

232 Web application development - Risk
Just as with a traditional desktop application, web applications have varying levels of risk

233 Web application development - Technologies
* Java (programming language)|Java

234 Web application development - Technologies
* Ruby (programming language)|Ruby, including Ruby on Rails

235 Web application development - Technologies
* Python (programming language)|Python

236 Web application development - Lifecycle Model
Time to market, company-growth and requirements churn, three things that are emphasized in web-based business, coincide with the principles of the Agile software development|Agile practices. Some agile lifecycle models are:

237 Web application development - Lifecycle Model
* Feature-driven development

238 Web application development - Testing
Web applications undergo the same Unit testing|unit, Integration testing|integration and system testing as traditional desktop applications. But because web application clients vary so greatly, teams might perform some additional testing, such as:

239 Web application development - Testing
Many types of tests are Test automation|automatable. At the Component test|component level, one of the xUnit packages can be a helpful tool. Or an organization can create its own unit testing framework. At the GUI level, Watir or iMacros are useful.

240 Web application development - Tools
In the case of ASP.NET, a developer can use Microsoft Visual Studio to write code. But, as with most other programming languages, he/she can also use a text editor. Notepad++ is an example. WebORB Integration Server for .NET can be used to integrate .NET services, data and media with any web client. It includes developer productivity tools and APIs for remoting, messaging and data management.

241 Web application development - Tools
For ColdFusion and the related open source CFML engines, there are several tools available for writing code. These include Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, the CFEclipse plugin for Eclipse (software) and Adobe CF Builder. You can also use any text editor such as Notepad++ or TextEdit.

242 Web application development - Tools
For PHP, the Zend Development Environment provides numerous debugging tools and provides a rich feature set to make a PHP developer's life easier

243 Web application development - Tools
For Java (programming language), there are many tools. The most popular is Apache Tomcat, but there are many others. One very specific one is WebORB Integration Server which can be used to integrate Java services, data and media with any web client. It includes developer productivity tools and APIs for remoting, messaging and data management.

244 Web application development - Tools
Several Automatic programming|code generation tools such as nuBuilder, dbQwikSite or M-Power are available to automate the development of code. Using such tools, non-technical users can produce working code, and experienced coders can accelerate the development cycle.

245 Web application development - Frameworks and Reuse
Practicing code reuse and using web application frameworks can greatly improve both productivity and time to market (McConnell 1996:537)

246 Qualcomm Brew - Brew application development
For testing applications during the development process, the SDK includes a Brew emulator, or starting with Brew version and above, the Brew Simulator

247 Qualcomm Brew - Brew application development
Brew applications may be unloaded from a consumer handset to save handset memory space

248 OpenWGA - Template / Application development
OpenWGA uses its own templating languages called 'WebTML' and 'TMLScript'. WebTML is a syntax of XML-formatted tags, prefixed with tml:, that mark dynamic parts of page templates, providing mainly data output and flow control beside offering higher level features. TMLScript is an expression language used to specify expressions and define routines in WebTML that complies to the rules of JavaScript Version 1.6.

249 OpenWGA - Template / Application development
The following example demonstrates the usage of WebTML and TMLScript (inside the condition attribute) in a HTML page template:

250 OpenWGA - Template / Application development
The design of an OpenWGA web application is either provided as 'OpenWGA design directory' for direct editing or as an 'OpenWGA plugin' for wider distribution.

251 Political and Economic Research Council - Application development
PERC has a proven track record of developing economic dashboards for monitoring both long- and short-term changes in the economic well being of families, communities, and small businesses exposed to exogenous shocks (e.g

252 Service-oriented architecture implementation framework - Application development and deployment
In the traditional software development process, translating requirements into working distributed systems is both time-consuming and difficult, requiring several stages of manual development and deployment

253 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
In July 2008 Embarcadero acquired CodeGear from the Borland Software Corporation.

254 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
Codegear owned a number of application development products.

255 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* Embarcadero Delphi|Delphi is a rapid application development (RAD) environment and object-oriented dialect of the Pascal (programming language)|Pascal programming language, developed from Turbo Pascal. Delphi runs on Microsoft Windows, and produces applications for Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS and Android portable devices.

256 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* C++Builder is equivalent to Delphi, but based on the C++ programming language instead of Pascal, using the Delphi Visual Component Library and a native C++ compiler. Most components developed in Delphi can be used in C++Builder with no modification, although the reverse is not true.

257 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* Embarcadero RAD Studio is a rapid application development package which includes Delphi, C++Builder and Delphi Prism, for building native Windows, .NET, Web, and database applications.

258 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* RadPHP, formerly Delphi for PHP, is an IDE and rapid application development framework for PHP. The VCL for PHP class library includes many components that can be used dynamically with each other.

259 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* 3rdRail is an IDE for Ruby on Rails.

260 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* TurboRuby is an IDE for the Ruby (programming language)|Ruby programming language.

261 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* JBuilder is a Java IDE built on the open source Eclipse framework.

262 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* J Optimizer is an optimizer for Java (programming language)|Java and Java EE applications.

263 Embarcadero Technologies - Application development
* CodeWright is an integrated development environment for Microsoft .NET, Borland Delphi and C++Builder. CodeWright can share code with other developers real-time. It is no longer maintained but a commercial license was available by 2012.

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