Up close with hilarious best-selling author Graeme Simsion

Kimberly Burton William Tennent High School
"The Rosie Effect" by Graeme Simsion is a sequel to his bestselling "The Rosie Project."

For many of you, Graeme Simsion isn’t a household name.

If anything, you’re probably thinking, "Hmm, that’s quite an odd name, actually. What’s so important about that person?"

Simsion just happens to be the author of two books.

Two books, you may ask. What’s so important about two books?

Well, what if I told you his first book, "The Rosie Project," was a New York Times best-seller. Would that pique your interest? Or how about the fact that it may be turned into a movie?

Well, Simsion assured me, “it wasn’t always like this.”

"The Rosie Project" follows a socially awkward genetics professor named Don on his journey to find love.

Now, I know that sounds a bit “chick lit”-ish (yes, I’m aware I just created a word), but I assure you, it’s laugh-out-loud funny. You could turn to just about any page in the book, start reading and find something new to giggle about.

Since its publication in 2013, the book has skyrocketed in popularity, and Simsion has become an international best-seller. His book has been translated into more than 35 languages.

Last week, I had the pleasure to meet Simsion at The Doylestown Bookshop after his talk and signing. He was there in celebration of his second book, "The Rosie Effect." This one is a continuation of the first and tells the story of Don trying to deal with his girlfriend becoming pregnant (which could be scary for any guy).

Simsion, who started his working life as a computer programmer, moved into screenwriting and then novel-writing, gave his readers some insight into his writing style:

“Writers divide themselves up into two categories. Pantsers, people who write by the seat of their pants, and the other sort are planners. I was always going to be a planner. I was a computer programmer for God’s sake.”

He said he uses the screenwriter’s way of writing a novel. What is that, exactly? Basically, Simsion says he writes every big event on an index card and then works the cards into a full story.

“Sometimes you just chuck in a card because you feel like it,” he said in reference to Don’s girlfriend’s pregnancy.

He said the first time you write a story, you don’t entirely worry about the characters; you just write as best as you possibly can.

“You don’t have to be super-creative all at once ... you’ll never (have) writer’s block then. If you get stuck, just lower your standards and keep going,” he said.

When asked how he felt about becoming a best-selling author, Simsion replied:

“I have to tell you — the biggest moment was actually getting published. Most authors' dream is to be published by a mainstream publisher. Everything after that has been wonderful, but in some ways, less of a surprise.

"In some ways, the biggest hurdle was getting published. Everything then happens in stages. It’s not like suddenly someone just comes in and says you sold 2 million copies. Before you sell 2 million, you sell a hundred thousand. I’m just really really pleased that (a) so many people have read the book — it’s an honor — and (b) that I can make a living out of writing.”

In addition to being completely charming and fall-out-of-your-seat funny, Simsion worked on the screenplay for "The Rosie Project" movie.

Nothing is definite yet, but I’m hoping ... I bet it will be a hit.

You can purchase signed copies of both of Graeme Simsion's laugh-out-loud books at The Doylestown Bookshop at 16 S. Main St. in Doylestown.