Cantaloupe 101: A Complete Guide

This melon will help you stay hydrated and maintain healthy blood pressure levels.Adobe Stock

Like watermelon, cantaloupe is a fruit that’s often associated with warm weather, either because its high water content makes it extra refreshing when the temps soar, or because that’s when it’s in season. While this juicy orange melon is a staple in fruit salads, it's also generally pretty easy to find year-round, and there are plenty of reasons to enjoy it that have nothing to do with hydration.

“Cantaloupe is rich in antioxidants, which contribute to its inherent health benefits,” says Kristin Gillespie, RD, who is based in Virginia Beach, Virginia. One cup of cantaloupe contains more than half the vitamin C you need in a day, and more than the amount of vitamin A, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Like other orange-hued produce, cantaloupe is also a source of carotenoids, compounds that have been linked to age-related eye health, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). And, as Mayo Clinic points out, because cantaloupe is water-rich and contains potassium, this fruit can also play a role in helping maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Read on to discover all you need to know about this delicious and nutritious melon.

What Is Cantaloupe?

Cantaloupe (Cantalupensis) is a member of the gourd family. According to Britannica, cantaloupes grew in popularity in Europe, where they got their name from the Italian town of Cantalupo. Regardless of type, cantaloupe are known for their sweet scent and taste, along with a rich orange color, and a textured, tan rind.

Minneopa Orchards explains that, while cantaloupe's exact indigenous roots aren’t known, it may be traced back to ancient Egypt and Rome. It’s also thought that Christopher Columbus introduced the fruit to North America.

Common Questions & Answers

Is cantaloupe hydrating?
Like watermelon and other fruits with a high water content, cantaloupe is considered a hydrating choice, which is perhaps one reason why it’s popular during the hot summer months. Cantaloupe is nearly 90 percent water.
What vitamins does cantaloupe have?
Cantaloupe is a naturally good source of vitamins A and C. It also contains potassium, B vitamins like niacin and folate, and magnesium, along with both soluble and insoluble fiber.
How to tell if cantaloupe is ripe?
A cantaloupe is considered ripe enough to eat once the rinds change to either a tannish or yellowish color, and it should have a sweet scent. Any green left in the rinds or a lack of scent mean that the fruit is not yet ripe.
Is cantaloupe rind edible?
It is not recommended to consume cantaloupe rind, and it should always be washed and scrubbed before the fruit is cut, because it can harbor disease-causing bacteria.
Is cantaloupe good for your skin?
Due to its antioxidant content, which includes vitamins A and C, cantaloupe is considered a skin-friendly food. Its high water content may also promote healthy skin.

Types of Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes grown in North America are actually muskmelons, with most of the “true” cantaloupe varieties found in Europe. According to Almanac, types of North American cantaloupes include:

  • Ambrosia This is considered the sweetest variety.
  • Athena Produces some of the largest cantaloupe, at an average of 5 to 6 pounds (lb) each
  • Bush Star These tend to work best in the small spaces of home gardens.
  • Hale’s Best Jumbo Despite the name, these peak at about 3 lb apiece and are also highly aromatic
  • Minnesota Midget True to its name, this variety produces some of the smallest cantaloupes, at 1 lb each, and can be grown in colder climates.

Cantaloupe Nutrition Facts

Cantaloupe contains few calories per serving, but it still packs a number of important nutrients and antioxidants. “The most important nutrients in cantaloupe include vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as potassium and folate,” says Bethany Tennant, ND, a licensed naturopathic physician who’s based in Portland, Oregon. “These nutrients help with skin, immune function, electrolyte balance, and cell function.”

Per the USDA, a 100 gram (g) serving (or about 2/3 cup) of cantaloupe contains:

  • Calories: 38
  • Protein: 0.82 g
  • Fat: 0.18 g
  • Carbohydrates: 8.69 g
  • Fiber: 0.8 g
  • Sugars: 7.88 g
  • Calcium: 9 milligrams (mg)
  • Iron: 0.38 mg
  • Potassium: 157 mg
  • Sodium: 30 mg

Potential Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe packs a lot of important vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for few calories. These, along with antioxidants, are thought to promote overall health while reducing your risk of developing certain chronic conditions. While clinical research on cantaloupe specifically is lacking, there is evidence that key nutrients of this fruit can benefit your health in the following ways.

May Promote Eye Health

Cantaloupe contains vitamin A, which is known to promote eye health, and the California Cantaloupe Advisory Board notes that this fruit is also a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Combined, these two antioxidants may reduce your risk of age-related macular degeneration.

May Reduce Cancer Risk

One key antioxidant in cantaloupe is beta-cryptoxanthin, which is a type of carotenoid. In a review of animal studies on carotenoids published in November 2020, researchers wrote that B-cryptoxanthin may reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as those of the lungs and esophagus, though the results were inconsistent. Human studies are needed to confirm these findings. Nonetheless, the National Cancer Institute says that eating 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit per day, along with 1 to 4 cups of vegetables, reduces your overall cancer risk.

Contains Multiple B Vitamins for Healthy Body Cells

Cantaloupe is also a source of multiple B vitamins, which collectively promote healthy cells throughout your body. These include:

  • Niacin Also known as vitamin B3, niacin helps your body derive energy from food.
  • Folate Also called vitamin B9, this nutrient is not only important in fetal development during pregnancy, but also helps prevent anemia.
  • Vitamin B6 This B vitamin promotes healthy immune and metabolic functions.

May Promote Heart Health

Cantaloupe may also help protect your heart. According to Gillespie, this is thanks to potassium and antioxidants like vitamins A and C. One eight-week study that evaluated inflammatory biomarkers in adults who followed the DASH diet concluded that diets rich in both fruits and vegetables decreased overall heart disease risk. These findings were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in June 2020. And, according to a meta-analysis published in Circulation in April 2021, the recommended “five a day” for fruits and vegetables, with at least two servings of fruits, was found to decrease cardiovascular disease risk and related mortality.

It’s Gut Friendly

Cantaloupe is considered one of the more gut-friendly fruits because of its lower fiber content. If you have diarrhea, the University Health Network recommends 1/3 to ½ cup of cantaloupe as one safe fruit you can eat. And, if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), cantaloupe is considered low in fructose, making it a good choice if you’re following a low-FODMAP diet, per the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Tennant recommends up to ¾ cup of cantaloupe as a summer alternative to watermelon for individuals with IBS, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Can Cantaloupe Help With Weight Loss?

As with other types of whole fruits and vegetables, cantaloupe is naturally low in calories and fat. You may be able to help lose weight by substituting high-calorie snack foods, such as chips, with fruits such as cantaloupe, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“[Cantaloupe] can support weight loss goals because it is high in water content (plus a slight amount of fiber) while being low in calories,” explains Tennant. This combination can increase feelings of fullness and lower hunger while reducing calories. It is also considered a low glycemic index food, which means that it won’t spike blood sugar levels which can influence metabolism and body composition.

But despite these advantages, variety is key to any nutritious diet and weight loss plan. Cantaloupe alone can’t help you lose weight.

“I would recommend pairing cantaloupe with a high-protein food, like cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time and promote blood sugar stability after consumption,” says Gillespie.

How to Select and Store Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe can be purchased whole, or as precut slices or cubes. But before you get to chopping and eating this fruit, here’s what you need to know about proper selection and storage.


While cantaloupe is known as a summer fruit, you can usually find these types of melons year-round. The University of Wisconsin-Extension says to look for cantaloupes that are free of bruises or other signs of damage. Also, avoid cantaloupe that have green rinds — this means they aren’t yet ripe.

Once you’re ready to cut a fresh cantaloupe, be sure to wash your hands before washing the outside of the fruit with a produce brush and tap water. Cut cantaloupe on clean surfaces with washed utensils only, and discard any pieces that look damaged.

If you’re looking for grab-and-go options, your grocery store may offer refrigerated precut cantaloupe. Be sure to carefully read product labels for “best-buy” dates, and avoid any packages of cubed or cut fruit that appear discolored or mushy.


All cantaloupe, whether freshly cut or precut, should be refrigerated promptly. Discard any cut cantaloupe that is left out at room temperature for longer than two hours, or outside above 90 degrees F for more than one hour. Once cut, cantaloupe may be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, says the Almanac. Whole, uncut melons may last five to six days.

How to Eat Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is a popular addition to fruit salads, and can be chopped up into a summery salsa to eat with tortilla chips or over grilled chicken and fish.

For a different twist, The Foundation for Fresh Produce recommends cubing cantaloupe as part of a fruit kebab you can dip in yogurt. You can also puree cantaloupe to make a sauce to add on top of pastries or frozen yogurt, or even combine the pureed melon with mint and lime juice to make a chilled cantaloupe soup. Aside from fruit salads, Gillespie prefers to eat cantaloupe with cottage cheese, or added to a fresh smoothie.

The CDC recommends raw fruits as a naturally sweet snack. “Personally, I like to have cantaloupe on its own, especially on a summer day, but also in combination with a healthy fat and protein source such as Greek yogurt to balance blood glucose levels,” says Tennant.

Health Risks of Cantaloupe

Most people will have no trouble eating cantaloupe in moderation. If you’re looking to increase your cantaloupe consumption, however, or if you’re new to this melon, there are a few factors to be aware of.

Side Effects

Below are some of the side effects of cantaloupe to consider:

  • Salmonella infection The University of Wisconsin-Extension notes this foodborne illness is most likely when cantaloupes are damaged, unwashed, or spoiled.
  • Hyperkalemia If you have chronic kidney disease (CKD), higher-potassium foods may increase your risk of hyperkalemia, per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (PDF).
  • Diarrhea Since cantaloupe is a low-FODMAP food, diarrhea is most likely to occur when cantaloupe is spoiled, or if you eat too many fructose-containing foods more generally, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

Is It Possible to Be Allergic to Cantaloupe?

If you have an allergy to ragweed pollen, ask a doctor whether it’s safe for you to consume cantaloupe. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI), ragweed allergies may increase your risk of oral allergy syndrome when you eat certain raw fruits and vegetables.

Also called OAS, this occurs when the immune system reacts to proteins in these foods that are similar to those found in pollen. This cross-reactivity can cause contact allergy symptoms, such as swelling and itchiness around your mouth and throat areas. In more severe cases, an allergy to cantaloupe may cause more significant reactions, such as breathing difficulties.

Growing Your Own Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe tends to grow best in temperate climates, and it's best to sow seeds when the air temperature averages between 65 and 75 degrees F, per Clemson Cooperative Extension. Plant seeds ½- to ¾-inch deep when the soil temperature is between 60 and 65 degrees F, 18 to 24 inches apart. Aside from needing a lot of space, cantaloupes also require a lot of water. Depending on the variety you choose to plant, you can expect your cantaloupes to take between 70 and 90 days to reach maturity, according to the Almanac.


Cantaloupe is a hydrating and sweet summertime favorite fruit that may be enjoyed year-round in raw form, or as a part of a nutritious recipe. Over time, antioxidant-rich fruits may lower your risk of chronic diseases — on top of this, cantaloupe is generally gut-friendly. If you have concerns about adding cantaloupe to your diet, be sure to talk with your doctor or dietitian.

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