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Christine #1

Life After Forty

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When Christine's husband of ten years dumps her over the phone while she watches a Hugh Grant film she is sent spinning on a cathartic, self-medicated journey to the land of self-acceptance and self-reliance. Surrounded by her sister and a strong support group of friends, Christine learns how to deal with the horrors of dating, finding new appliances, and the exhilarating feeling of shopping without consequence.

238 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2006

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About the author

Dora Heldt

57 books41 followers
Dora Heldt is the pen name of Bärbel Schmidt, a popular German author. Her 2009 novel, Tidal Shift, reached second place on the bestseller list in Germany.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for Sabine.
595 reviews87 followers
November 16, 2020
I was excited to find this German author on Amazon.ca but unfortunately the English translation was awful. It felt like it was directly translated as if someone was reading the German version and was simultaneously translating almost sentence for sentence to someone else sitting next to him.
The story was OK but I didn't like the double standards of the main character. Her husband cheating on her was not alright but she sleeping with someone else's husband was perfectly fine.....
Profile Image for Jana Heinzelmann.
269 reviews18 followers
February 10, 2012
Ich hatte Urlaub mit Papa von Dora Heldt durch Zufall in einem Hostel gefunden während ich in den letzten drei Monaten dort gereist bin. Weil ich gerade nichts andres las dachte ich mir, ich könnte dieses Buch ja mal anfangen denn es klang wirklich lustig. Ich habe das Buch bereits nach einem Tag durch gehabt weil ich die Geschichte super fand! Total lustig geschrieben und eine super Reiselektüre! Da ich danach rausfand, dass dies jedoch schon der dritte Teil einer ganzen Serie ist, habe ich mir die ersten beiden Teile direkt danach auf mein Kindle runtergeladen.

Ich war sofort von der Art zu Schreiben begeistert und mochte auch alle Protagonisten der Bücher da ich bei allen Ähnlichkeiten sowohl zu mir selbst als auch zu Freunden und Verwandten wiederfinden konnte (ich sage jetzt mal nicht wer mich hier an wen erinnert hat…)

Die ersten zwei Bücher waren meiner Meinung nach nur eine Aufwärmübung denn die restlichen drei zeigen, dass Dora Heldt so viel mehr kann! Sie hat vom zweiten zum dritten Buch einen wahnsinnig großen Sprung gemacht. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich die Serie nach Unzertrennlich noch weiter verfolgt hätte, aber da ich ja mit Urlaub mit Papa angefangen hatte konnte ich einfach nich anders als alle anderen auch zu lesen.

Versteht mich hier nicht falsch, die ersten beiden Bücher sind es schon wert gelesen zu werden, aber richtig perfekt wird es erst ab dem dritten. Diese drei solltet ihr auf keinen Fall verpassen. Es macht auch nichts wenn man erstmal mit Urlaub mit Papa anfängt denn inhaltlich macht es keinen Unterschied ob man die beiden Vorgänger gelesen hat oder nicht.

Durch die Einbindung von Christines Familie, vor allem ihres Vaters, schafft es Dora Heldt ab dem dritten Roman super lustige Geschichten zu erzählen. Wenn man denkt, es könnte ja eigentlich nicht noch schlimmer werden kommt es gleich doppelt so schlimm. Jede neue Situation und jedes neue Kapitel ist ein Kracher und ein Lacher nach dem anderen reiht sich aneinander. Manchmal konnte ich über mehrere Kapitel hinweg einfach nicht mehr aufhören zu lachen. Dadurch las ich schneller und schneller weil ich begierig auf mehr wartete und Dora Heldt enttäuschte mich nie. Das führte dann letzendlich dazu, dass ich die komplette Serie in Rekordzeit las.

Man könnte nun vermuten, dass die Geschichten durch ihre Absurdität unrealistisch wirken aber obwohl sich Dora Heldt hier auf schmalem Grad wandert rutscht sie doch nie in die Unrealität ab. Jeder einzelne Charackter trägt extrem zum Erfolg der Geschichte bei. Ich kann mir bei keinem vorstellen auf ihn zu verzichten.

Jetzt bleibt nur noch zu hoffen, dass Christine uns weiterhin begleiten wird und Dora Heldt es nicht müde geworden ist über sie und ihre verrückte Familie zu schreiben.

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8 reviews1 follower
November 25, 2011
Rubbishpie! Sloppy translation, weak storyline, thin characters. Dont waste your time with this.
Profile Image for Ellemir.
253 reviews7 followers
July 5, 2022
Zwischendurch lese ich Romane von Dora Heldt ganz gerne - aber bei diesem bin ich zwiegespalten. Ich fand die verschiedenen Herangehensweisen von Frauen um die Vierzig an Beziehungen, deren Beendigung und das Leben als Single nicht uninteressant, aber die Protagonistin ging mir schon ein wenig auf die Nerven mit ihrem Rumgeeiere - was vielleicht verständlich ist, ich habe noch keine Scheidung hinter mir. Richtig geärgert habe ich mich allerdings, als sie auf der einen Seite über ihre (zu recht) über ihre ehemalige Freundin schimpft, mit der ihr Mann sie betrügt, auf der anderen Seite aber mit einem verheirateten Mann schläft, weil die Ehe ja eh kaputt ist - na, was denn nun?

Da fand ich andere Romane von Dora Heldt eindeutig gelungener.
Profile Image for Cathe Fein Olson.
Author 4 books19 followers
March 4, 2011
Given the book description and that this was supposedly a bestseller in Germany, I was expecting an entertaining, poignant read but I struggled through 100 pages and finally gave up. Life is just too short to spend on such bad writing. I don't know if it's the translation or the original book, but this is just painful to read--the dialogue especially. But even more than the bad writing, it's rather hard to feel so much sympathy for the main character. Yes, she is going through a divorce which I know is painful, but she has all these friends, gets a gorgeous apartment with all new furniture. She has a great job making more money than her ex. She and her husband had grown apart so so it wasn't that much of a shock. The character and the writing just did not engage me at all. I just had to put it down.
Profile Image for Valentine8.
44 reviews
November 12, 2017
Für mich das schwächste Buch der Christine-Reihe. Die anderen fand ich viel viel witziger.
Und aus der Gender-Perspektive - Ist da die Botschaft: Frau braucht einen Mann oder genügend Geld und Rotwein, um die Traurigkeit in Luxus-Shopping und Alkohol zu ertränken?
Warum kauft Frau, wenn sie zualledem noch die Ernährerin ist, die zwei Objekte der Begierde nicht schon viel viel früher? Warum verharrt eine so starke Frau so lange in einer unbefriedigenden Beziehung?
Ich verstehe es nicht.
Die Freundinnen fand ich nett.
Profile Image for katalinka.
15 reviews6 followers
March 9, 2016
Das ist meiner Meinung nach leider das schwächste Buch von Dora Heldt. Nahezu deprimierend wird die Scheidung zelebriert und das Eheleben und die Partnerschaft verteufelt.
Dazu gibt es kaum Handlung und ein paar weniger Figuren (die meisten haben gar keine wirkliche Funktion und man verwechselt sie schnell) hätten es auch getan. Außerdem ist die Geschichte ab und an moralisch widersprüchlich. Vom Ehemann betrogen werden ist übel, selbst mit verheirateten Männern schlafen aber völlig okay! :(
Profile Image for Melissa Hayes.
54 reviews1 follower
July 9, 2012

This was a predictable book about a woman about to turn forty whose husband leaves her. Her friends help her through the transition to the next phase of her life. It is good to have friends! Just makes me appreciate mine!
Profile Image for Taaya .
809 reviews4 followers
January 10, 2019
Der Stil gefällt mir, der Subtext (Sex ist wichtig, man darf dafür auch gern mal verheiratete Männer nehmen, das ist nur böse, wenn man selbst die betrogene Frau ist) geht mir aber extrem gegen den Strich. Und es ist auch traurig, dass hier selbst angeblich Stärke und unabhängige Frauen nur um die Frage kreisen, ob man jetzt einen Mann braucht, oder aber ein Liebhaber reicht. Die Idee, dass man sich selbst genug sein kann, wenigstens länger als ein paar Monate, hat hier keine.
5 reviews
August 20, 2018
True to life

A refreshingly sincere portrayal of an amicable divorce and the support given by other people in differing relationships. The dialogue between Edith and Charlotte with Christine is an excellent vehicle to convey the turmoil of her thoughts. An enjoyable and in several says a comforting read.
92 reviews
November 1, 2019
Interesting concept handled well and interesting ideas explored throughout. No happy ending just real life explored. Read it in just one day as I wanted to finish it. Worth reading but probably better for a female reader than a male.
Profile Image for Nicole R..
154 reviews
November 29, 2022
Ein tolle Geschichte. Wenn man am Ende 30 noch einmal neu Anfangen muss, kann es schon einiges weh tun.
Sehr realistisch , was nur zu oft Frauen ( aber auch Maennern) passiert, wenn der Partner mit jemanden anderen Fremd geht.
Profile Image for Tricia.
421 reviews
June 22, 2017
Hard copy.
This was a quick and enjoyable read. The story was sort of depressing but there were lots of funny parts. Just goes to prove that a gal needs her girlfriends.
384 reviews
September 16, 2018
Das war richtig schöne, leichte Lektüre, die ich verschlungen habe. Mein erstes Buch von Dora Heldt, aber sicherlich nicht mein letztes.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
7 reviews
March 12, 2023
Super spannend, unterhaltsam, im leichten Sinne geschrieben. Habe auch oft gelacht. Sehr nettes Buch.
Profile Image for Sho.
701 reviews5 followers
August 13, 2012
Oh dear. Where to start?
I got this as a Kindle Deal of the Day (thank goodness, I would have hated to have paid full price for this) and only realised as I started reading that it has been translated from German.

So first to the subject matter: nearly-40-year-old suddenly finds out that her husband wants a divorce. She moves to a flat and lives the single life...

Could be an interesting fluffy, light holiday read.

Now, I am not bilingual, but I am as near as dammit bilingual and I can spot a bad translation a mile away. And this one was very close. I don't generally mind translations, but I do prefer to read German books in the original since I'm well able to understand them. If they are so badly translated that they grate within 2 pages, I really should have learned by now to just put it to one side and stop.

So to recap: the translation was awful.

But the idea of the story had promise. But... oh my goodness. I'm guessing that the painfully raw descriptions of her fantastic, but obviously kooky in a "look how kooky my friends are" kind of way, along with their fantastic jobs in a great lively city (Hamburg - I have to agree on that point, it's my favourite place in Germany) and we have such fun and are so good looking vomit vomit vomit

and bloody hell - they smoke like chimneys.

Anyway, nothing happened. She furnished her flat from IKEA and her friends did all the building and moving because she was too upset about her divorce. And then she stayed with her parents and boffed a childhood friend, then... oh it's too painful. There was absolutely no story to this at all. No purpose, and one very boring description of buying a very expensive espresso machine and a horribly expensive chair.

The only only only good thing about this? I finished it in a few hours. WhichI will never get back.
Profile Image for Laurel-Rain.
Author 6 books251 followers
April 20, 2011
Getting dumped by telephone in the middle of a Hugh Grant film is the beginning of Christine's surprising new journey. Finding answers to why her ten year marriage is ending so inexplicably forces her to reevaluate the life she thought she had and to explore what she wants to do next.

We follow her as she begins living a great single life in Hamburg, even as she approaches her fortieth birthday, and we empathize with her emotions that are, by turns, confusing, lonely, and exhilarating.

Friends help to buffer her new explorations. Like many women who have gone down this particular road, Christine enjoys the journey, even while feeling some angst over the loss and the betrayal.

I liked the characters in this novel, and could relate to many of the women. An intriguing twist: Christine has two voices that play out in her head—Edith, who has only negativity to share; and Charlotte, who chimes in with positive affirmations. There was humor in Christine's reactions to the voices. Sometimes the voices, and her subsequent fantasies, occurred in unlikely places, like in the middle of a traffic jam; at other times, they sustained her on long lonely nights.

I especially enjoyed the freedom she experienced when she could make her own choices, like spending money on "designing her new life." Or ignoring the "shoulds" and paying attention to the "wants."

In some ways, "Life After Forty" was a predictable tale, with all the usual singles nights and spa dates, as well as the endless shopping trips. Taking a lover who is not really accessible is another cliché, but the story does not tie up this particular loose end, leaving the reader with hope that the lessons she learns will be useful ones.

Four stars.
Profile Image for Kristin (Kritters Ramblings).
2,234 reviews107 followers
November 24, 2011
Set in Germany, this international chick lit is a great read for the older chick lit fans! Our main character Christine, finds herself in the midst of a marriage that is falling apart piece by piece. She ends up single in the city about to turn 40 and wondering what to do from there. Her story starts there and ends in a completely different spot, it was fun to see where her journey would take her and who would be with her in the end.

Although I am not one to enjoy a book that doesn't take place on my side of the pond, this book could have been set anywhere and because of that I loved the anywhere quality. So I could completely immerse myself into Christine's story and get to know all of her friends and family that would be by her side through this difficult season. I don't want to burst the bubble on this one, but I felt as though her ups and downs were real and happen to many women who find themselves single at a later time in their lives.

A chick lit that I would recommend to young and old even though the younger generation may not be quite in the age range of the main character. I think this story is one for everyone to read where each reader will come away with something different - may it be an appreciation for the relationship in or the guts to leave one that isn't working.

With a sequel to be reviewed tomorrow - I will continue following Christine in her adventure as a single city gal.
Profile Image for Jane.
237 reviews
September 5, 2012
This is one of the worst books I've ever read. I hope something was left out in the translation, because otherwise, the author has written characters and a plot line that would even support a comic strip. My guess is the author decided to try to Germanize "Sex in the City." The city is Hamburg--no complaints about that. The only sex act described in any detail happened when Christine, the lead character, and an old childhood friend, have a lot to drink and decide they "want" each other, resulting in his "taking" her on a beach chair while all she can think about is her elbows being rubbed raw because of the position she is in. Her scraped elbows become her own private joke, symbolizing how free she now is, almost divorced at age 39.

The key themes of the book:
1. Divorce hurts at first, but you feel better after a while.
2. Life exists after forty if you have a lover, alcohol, girl friends, and a job.
3. Men cheat.
4. It is all right to sleep with men who cheat as long as the one (or more) you sleep with has a "difficult" wife (according to him).
5. Your girl friends will give you contradictory advice. Just follow whatever is easiest to do at the time.
Profile Image for Brina.
1,991 reviews118 followers
July 29, 2011
Als Christine ein Wochenende bei ihrer Schwester in Hamburg verbringt, ruft sie abends nichtsahnend ihren Mann zuhause an. Doch dieser erklärt ihr ziemlich schnell, dass er sich von ihr trennen will.

Nach einer durchgeweinten Nacht stellt sich Christine der Situation und fährt nach Hause, um das Gespräch mit ihrem Mann zu suchen. Nach einem letzten, scheiternden Gespräch packt Christine ihre Sachen und zieht nach Hamburg, wo sie versucht ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Jedoch ist dies nicht so einfach, wie erhofft.

Als sie sich von ihrer besten Freundin verabschieden will, macht sie eine schlimme Entdeckung…

Der 1. Band von Dora Heldt, der sich mit dem Leben der Christiane Schmidt, gefällt mir sehr.
Die Autorin hat mit dieser Buchreihe tolle Charaktere geschaffen, mit denen man am liebsten befreundet sein will. Man mag Christine trösten und mit ihr lachen.
Profile Image for Brina.
1,991 reviews118 followers
July 29, 2011
Als Christine ein Wochenende bei ihrer Schwester in Hamburg verbringt, ruft sie abends nichtsahnend ihren Mann zuhause an. Doch dieser erklärt ihr ziemlich schnell, dass er sich von ihr trennen will.

Nach einer durchgeweinten Nacht stellt sich Christine der Situation und fährt nach Hause, um das Gespräch mit ihrem Mann zu suchen. Nach einem letzten, scheiternden Gespräch packt Christine ihre Sachen und zieht nach Hamburg, wo sie versucht ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Jedoch ist dies nicht so einfach, wie erhofft.

Als sie sich von ihrer besten Freundin verabschieden will, macht sie eine schlimme Entdeckung…

Der 1. Band von Dora Heldt, der sich mit dem Leben der Christiane Schmidt, gefällt mir sehr.
Die Autorin hat mit dieser Buchreihe tolle Charaktere geschaffen, mit denen man am liebsten befreundet sein will. Man mag Christine trösten und mit ihr lachen.
Profile Image for Miki.
243 reviews1 follower
April 29, 2012
When your husband of 10 years suddenly dumps you over a phone call, what do you do? For Christine, an almost 40-year old book rep in a small town outside Hamburg, it sets her off on a journey of both the mundane - finding a new apartment, buying furniture, and rediscovering who she is in this new part of her life. Translated from German, this is a quiet book in many ways - a woman reconnecting with her friends, finding new friends, and finding some new version of herself. I enjoyed seeing the small cultural differences between what you see in typical American chick lit versus this book - much more smoking and drinking, for one, but also just the tone of the conversations.
Profile Image for Molly.
200 reviews3 followers
May 26, 2014
I really thought I would enjoy this book, having gone through a similar life change at the same time...but Christine is to whiney for me. She has great friends who rally around her, although they have a total double standard. Christine's husband has been cheating on her and asks for a divorce they are all expectedly outraged. But when Christine is the other woman, they are all fine with it, she should do what makes her feel good.

The book takes place over the course of a year, but it also jumps forward and backward in time with stories of events, but it's all very clumsy. Maybe the translation, maybe just poor writing.
Profile Image for lee madline.
1 review
February 22, 2014
Great book, I could relate to this book. It was like I was reliving my divorce all over again. But this time it was watching someone else go through w h at I did. So glad I read this book!

Great book, I could relate to this book. It was like I was reliving my divorce all over again. But this time it was watching someone else go through w h at I did. So glad I read this book!

Great read
so good to read about someone else going through what I did. this helped me get through some of th o seem s a me feelings I had.

Profile Image for Angela.
104 reviews3 followers
September 2, 2016
The problem with reading a book in translation is you're never sure when a book is bad, whether it's down to the translation or not. This book is terrible. Incredibly badly written with too many short sentences, too predictable a plot and just too devoid of anything interesting really.
I bought the kindle edition as it cost 99p, and I wanted a quick easy read, but I think even there the price-quality ratio leaves a lot to be desired.
112 reviews1 follower
May 30, 2015
Typical self-published fare

I found myself wondering as I read Life After Forty whether the writing was translated from German poorly or if the prose was equally stilted in its original form. The author did manage to make a few astute observations about the conditions of living in a long term relationship and the joys of striking out on one's own at midlife. Without them, this book would have rated only a single star.
Profile Image for Domic.
726 reviews14 followers
August 29, 2014
Naja. Kann man sich vorlesen lassen. Auch wenn die nölige Stimme der Autorin nicht so meins ist. Und die Story ist auch irgendwie immer die gleiche bei ihr, hab ich das Gefühl: Enddreissigerin wird aus heiterem Himmel vom Gatten verlassen und entdeckt, dass das Leben ohne Kerl noch viiiiel toller ist. Naja. War ausgeliehen aus der Bücherei, dafür ist es ok. Aber kaufen würde ich mir das nicht. Warum lässt Frau Heldt nicht Caroline Peters nochmal was von ihr lesen - DAS fand ich toll!
Profile Image for Wendy.
482 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2015
So, I read several reviews that really recommended this book, so I was hoping to get an entertaining read, but this was really disappointing. I've read other books on this theme: women of a certain age starting over or reassessing their lives. The books are usually funny and poignant at times. This just felt like a listing of events in her life, a kind of boring one at that. No insights were gained, none of this made me smile let alone laugh. Just blah.
Profile Image for Emma.
26 reviews64 followers
June 11, 2012
I really couldn't quite see the point of this book. It went on and on, at the same banal and everyday level, until the very last line. It is not so much life after forty as life after divorce, and how a middle-class German woman manages to console herself - mainly with sex and large amounts of champagne, wine and beer. I was very bored...or I just missed the subliminal point of it all?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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