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Susan Seddon Boulet

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  1. Dclo1:51
  2. TikkiBear2:11
  3. BrianCottrill2:22
  4. sobby92:29
  5. moppie2:30
  6. ekdugger2:33
  7. dogs_and_me2:33
  8. jxner2:41
  9. Ianto2:52
  10. Rcirafici2:52


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You can dream a lot of wonderful dreams sitting in your tree. @maxi22


Nocne marzenia w samotni na drzewie


I know what you mean. I was a tree sitter too. I always had my nose in a book and the best place was sitting in a tree where no one could disturb you. Thanks @Pepperpot. Glad you liked it too.


I get what you mean. I am in the middle of writing a story and lost my train of thought on how I was going to continue. Then, one night when I could not sleep thoughts about where I wanted to go with it came drifting in and the next day I was able to write a whole chapter. @jigsawjigzag

This attractive puzzle brings back memories of the many hours I spent as a teenager perched in a tree in my backyard, sometimes sulking, sometimes dreaming, or sometimes reading a book


I did and gaining back my skills pleasingly quick. Then I had several days that I couldn't get to it. I noticed my mood had slipped so sat myself down and did some watercolor I liked. My mood went back up again. That, I hope is a lesson learned.


Thank you, Barbara. Some days you can find lots of good art to post.

Have you started back with your painting yet? @jigsawjigzag


Like your picks for today, will get at them soon.

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