... ftood Statius . On another higher than the reft ftood Homer , Dares Phrygius , Livy , Lollius , Guido di Columna , and Geoffrey of Monmouth , writers of the Trojan story . On a pillar of " tinnid iron clere , " ftood Virgil : and ...
... ftood Homer , Dares Phrygius , Livy , Lollius , Guido di Columna , and Geoffrey of Monmouth , writers of the Trojan story . On a pillar of " tinnid iron clere , " ftood Virgil : and next him on a pillar of copper , appeared Ovid . The ...
... ftood near the east end of the cathedral , and not far dittant from it ; the greatest probability is , that it ftood in the fame place where this chapel of the infirmary was af- terwards built . If it had escaped the former fires ...
John Milton Richard Herne Shepherd. ftood , 720 ftood , 720 ftood . 720 O 2 recto . O 2 recto . ( Line 287 ) ( Line 287 ) Lowndes 1 , 1667 . In line the fecond Among the Spirits ( line Seven ) I groane : 90 With Diadem ( line ninety ...
... ftood , and in this quadrature they moved when they moved and to this fenfe is that paffage to be understood in chap.10.6,7 . where it is faid that fire was between the Cheru- bims , and one of them raught fire from between them , that ...
... ftood before his Mafter Elijha . So Abraham ftood before the Lord , and Abrahams fervant ftood by the well Exo . 33. 10 . of water , when he prayed . The people rofe up and worshipped every man in his Numb . 23.10 . Tent door . Balaam ...
... ftood at Damafcus : He feems to have been , at least the principal god of a Damafcene , which is all we fhall venture to fay concerning him . THIS ancient god in time gave way to another ; for the Syrians deifying their king Ben - badad ...
... ftood at the End of Lord Pigot's Government , of Mr. Stratton's , of Mr. Whitehill's , of Sir Thomas Rumbold's , and as they ftood accord- ing to the last Advices . At the End of Lord Pigot's Government , 24th Auguft 1776 . Mafulipatam ...
... ftood up upon a pulpit of 4 CHRIST cir . 445 . • Or , Apocrypha . wood , which was made for that purpofe . Bifore 43 And there ftood up by him Mattathias , Sammus , Ananias , Azarias , Urias , Ezecias , Balafamus , upon their right hand ...
... ftood ; filent he ftood , for who had not heard of the bat- tles of Gaul ? They rofe within his foul . His hand , in fecret , feized the fword . The fword which he brought from Strumon , when the ftrength of Morni failed . " On " On his ...