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"Journalist Stephen Witt traces the secret history of digital music piracy, from the German audio engineers who invented the mp3, to a North Carolina compact-disc manufacturing plant where factory worker Dell Glover leaked nearly two ...
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Financial Reckoning Day: Surviving the Soft Depression of the 21st Century helps you chart your own financial destiny in today’s precarious investing climate.
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Without a doubt, this is cutting-edge research in organization and management theory."--Stanislav D. Dobrev, University of Chicago
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Wirtschaftserwachen liefert die Vision einer neuen goldenen Ära Deutschlands: Erfolgreich zu sein und zu bleiben, aus der Stärke heraus zu agieren und zu führen, mit einem guten, respektvollen Umgang miteinander – mit uns selbst, mit ...
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This accessibly written book, unique in its breadth, presents a comprehensive approach to answering the what, how much, who, where, and why of giving.
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In this book Michael Schrage advocates a cultural and strategic shift: small teams, collaboratively--and competitively--crafting business experiments that make top management sit up and take notice.
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The Great Surge tells the remarkable story of this unprecedented economic, social, and political transformation.
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"Today, only twenty percent of Americans are wed by age twenty-nine, compared to nearly sixty percent in 1960.
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In this book, leaders of Motorola Six Sigma offer the first comprehensive guide to the New Six Sigmaand show how to use it for sustainable competitive advantage.
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The world of fiber optic connections reaching neighborhoods, homes, and businesses will represent as great a change from what came before as the advent of electricity.