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26.11.2024 · This set of The Statutes at Large, edited by Danby Pickering, covers the period from the Magna Carta through the end of the Eleventh Parliament of Great Britain ...
17.11.2024 · The yard (symbol: yd) is an English unit of length in both the British imperial and US customary systems of measurement equalling 3 feet or 36 inches.
23.11.2024 · We are thrilled to announce that this week's event will be co-delivered in partnership with North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service If you are over 18...
20.11.2024 · They are currently recruiting firefighters for all On- Call (part time) stations across our district – they have stations in Robin Hood's Bay, Lythe, Goathland, ...
100,00 £
07.11.2024 · Author: Leonard West · Title: The Natural Trout Fly and Its Imitation Being an Angler's Record of Insects seen at the Waterside and the Method of Making Their ...
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