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Celebrating Two Influential Women, 200 Years Apart
Loyola Marymount University
Perhaps there is no better way to kick off the celebration of Women's History month then to spotlight the unique artifact donated to the...
vor 32 Monaten
John Dickinson: The Most Underrated Founder?
The Imaginative Conservative
John Dickinson's standing in the American pantheon is shamefully obscure in view of his contributions toward the establishment of an independent regime.
vor 149 Monaten
My eccentric weekend proved there’s more to Devon than second homes
The Telegraph
This beautiful corner of the county offers worm-charming, sea tractors, river surfing, nights in a 'Bird House' and a Thirties-style hotel.
vor 15 Monaten
The Birth of Fake News
La Vie des idées
About: Sophia Rosenfeld, Democracy and Truth: A Short History, University of Pennsylvania Press - While the expression “fake news” appeared...
vor 54 Monaten
America’s founding strength is its religious tolerance
Dallas News
Christian nationalists believe America was founded to be a Christian nation and Christianity should have a favored status.
vor 17 Monaten
Eric Foner · Separation Anxiety
London Review of Books
The American Revolution is the subject of a rich and complex historical literature. In the 19th century, George Bancroft, the father of...
vor 343 Monaten
Marcion and Arius: American Political Theology’s Roots
Ordinary Times
Marcion thought the jealous tribal god of the Jews was a different being than Jesus' Father, the One True God.
vor 104 Monaten
Mensonge et démocratie
La Vie des idées
À propos de : Sophia Rosenfeld, Democracy and Truth : A Short History, University of Pennsylvania Press - “Fake news” : l'expression est...
vor 53 Monaten
L'assemblée ou le plébiscite ?
La Vie des idées
À propos de : Richard Tuck, The Sleeping Sovereign. The Invention of Modern Democracy, Cambridge UP - Selon Richard Tuck, la démocratie...
vor 86 Monaten
San Antonio Restaurants® | Best Chinese Buffet in town
Best Chinese Buffet in town. Don't care what side! Just want it to be good!
vor 2 Wochen