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My eccentric weekend proved there’s more to Devon than second homes
The Telegraph
This beautiful corner of the county offers worm-charming, sea tractors, river surfing, nights in a 'Bird House' and a Thirties-style hotel.
vor 14 Monaten
America’s founding strength is its religious tolerance
Dallas News
Christian nationalists believe America was founded to be a Christian nation and Christianity should have a favored status.
vor 15 Monaten
Marcion and Arius: American Political Theology’s Roots
Ordinary Times
I wrote a longer piece on which this is based at American Creation found here. The overall context explores the notion that the “deism” and...
vor 102 Monaten
Mensonge et démocratie
La Vie des idées
À propos de : Sophia Rosenfeld, Democracy and Truth : A Short History, University of Pennsylvania Press - “Fake news” : l'expression est...
vor 52 Monaten
(PDF) Facts and Fictions About the History of Separation of Church and State
The article traces the historical roots and routes of the principle of separation of church and state in biblical, patristic, Catholic, Protestant, and...
vor 61 Monaten
The Cure of Deism: Or, the Mediatorial Scheme by Jesus Christ the Only True … von Elisha Smith - englisches Buch
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
vor 6 Monaten
Quotations By Authors Aa Through Az
Make Fun Of Life!
“'How do you know so much about everything?' was asked of a very wise and intelligent man; and the answer was, 'By never being afraid or ashamed to ask...
vor 86 Monaten
Essay: The First Contested Election in America
Bearing Drift
A congress of the colonies met in 1774, after Parliament had closed the port of Boston. Their mission was to address and repeal “the several acts of the...
vor 95 Monaten
Full article: Wollstonecraft and the Burghs of Newington Green
Taylor & Francis Online
This essay investigates the importance of Mr and Mrs James and Hannah Burgh of Newington Green for Mary Wollstonecraft's life and career during the 1780s.
vor 2 Monaten
2022 – Atelier Transatlantique d'Histoire Intellectuelle et Politique
Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
After having worked for a few years on democracy, we have decided to focus on « the commons ». This year, we only had three sessions, that each of us...
vor 28 Monaten