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CT Daily Briefing – 11-25-2024 – NONMembers
Christianity Today
Filipino evangelicals have mixed responses to the government's recent decision to expand sharia courts into majority-Christian regions.
vor 2 Wochen
ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS: In an episode of Last Of The Summer Wine, the cast each impersonated Arte Johnson.
Daily Mail
Arte Johnson is best known for his appearances on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, an American TV sketch show, hosted by Dan Rowan and Dick Martin from 1968 to...
vor 5 Tagen
Today in History: Castro died 8 years ago; JFK was buried 61 years ago
Calgary Herald
Today in History: Castro died 8 years ago; JFK was buried 61 years ago; and, Noah's Flood began some 4372 years ago.
vor 2 Wochen
9th month of God's year - Kislev 5785
All Israel News
I want to start by saying that keeping and observing the weekly Shabbat, the New Moon (month) and the Biblical Feasts are all God's command/His idea,...
vor 1 Woche
Wie alt waren Adam und Eva? Die biblische Lebensspanne entschlüsseln
Christian Pure
Entdecke die verblüffende Wahrheit: Entdecke das wahre Alter von Adam und Eva! Bereite dich darauf vor, von der überraschenden Zeitlinie unserer Vorfahren...
vor 2 Wochen
ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS: Did West Auckland Town FC once beat Juventus?
Daily Mail
West Auckland Football Club, of the English Northern League, did once defeat Juventus, although it was long before the Italian team were the soccer giants...
vor 4 Wochen
Von Adam bis Jesus: Wie viele Jahre sind wirklich vergangen?
Christian Pure
Die Bibel legt nahe, dass Adam und Eva etwa 4.000 Jahre vor Jesu Geburt lebten. Die genaue Zeitspanne zwischen Adam und Eva und Jesus zu bestimmen,...
vor 2 Wochen
Aus den Disziplinen der Archäologie | wbg-Magazine
Verlag Herder
Tätowierungen auf menschlichen Überresten – Methoden zur Identifikation · Technische Analyse von Tätowierungen auf Mumien. In der Regel bleibt menschliche...
vor 5 Monaten
Did West Auckland Town FC once beat Juventus?
West Auckland Football Club, of the English Northern League, did once defeat Juventus, although it was long before the Italian team were the soccer giants...
vor 4 Wochen
Cristãos querem uma festa litúrgica para a criação
Gazeta do Povo
Em breve, um grupo de católicos irá ao Vaticano para entregar ao papa Francisco um pedido que, acredito eu, deve agradá-lo imensamente: a instituição de uma...
vor 2 Wochen