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God Wrote a Book — That Changes All Other Books
Desiring God
Good books have so much to offer for the Christian life. Pastor John describes seven ways books have shaped him personally.
vor 110 Monaten
The human placenta exhibits a unique transcriptomic void
The human placenta exhibits a unique genomic architecture with an unexpectedly high mutation burden and many uniquely expressed genes.
vor 17 Monaten
Is God Hiding from Me? When Christians Sense His Absence
Desiring God
Many experience the feeling that God is absent, which leads some to assume he does not exist. How should Christians combat doubt when we...
vor 11 Monaten
To the Uttermost: How Jesus Keeps Us Day by Day
Desiring God
He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:25)
vor 27 Monaten
Author Correction: Inherent mosaicism and extensive mutation of human placentas
In the version of this article initially published, there was a plotting error affecting Fig. 1d,e and Extended Data Fig. 1b.
vor 34 Monaten
Ten Authors for Your Soul
Desiring God
Rich doctrine makes the heart sing. So, where might Christians start if they want to read time-tested, soul-deepening books?
vor 16 Monaten
The Mystery of the Trinity: A Trinitarian Approach to the Attributes of God
The Gospel Coalition
In his book, The Mystery of the Trinity, renowned theologian and polymath, Vern Poythress, raises concerns with contemporary discourse on the doctrine of...
vor 17 Monaten
Puritan Portraits: J. I. Packer on Selected Classic Pastors and Pastoral Classics
The Gospel Coalition
J. I. Packer has long been considered one of the leading interpreters of the Puritans. His latest book on this topic, Puritan Portraits,...
vor 57 Monaten
The Tuning Fork of the Soul
Desiring God
Successful Christian living is very much about steadiness and consistency, about firm resolve and steadfast endurance.
vor 140 Monaten
Speaker Panel Q&A
Desiring God
Justin Taylor: Jerry, you talked and you've written so much about the gospel being for believers for everyday life.
vor 207 Monaten