Weltbildwandel am Ende des 17. und zu Beginn des 18. JahrhundertsK.A. Neuhausen, Engelbertus Kaempfer als lateinischer Prosaautor. Zum Sprachstil und literarischen Rang der Amoenitates Exoticae (1712)N.
... Author and an Introduction . Illustrated with many Copper Plates , 2 vols . London 1727 . KAEMPFER , ENGELBERT : Geschichte und Beschreibung von Japan . Aus den Originalhandschriften des Verfassers , hrsg . von Christian Wilhelm Dohm ...
... Engelbert Kaempfer : Geschichte und Beschreibung von Japan . Aus den ... Kaempfer ; ex archetypis in Museo Britannico asservatis , London 1791 ... Author and an Introduction . Illustrated with many Copper Plates . 2 vols ...
Engelbert Kaempfer Karl Meier-Lemgo. Bibliographie Engelbert Kaempfers ... Kaempfer ... translated by J. G. Scheuchzer , London , 1727. Mit kurzer Biographie ... Author . " Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences . 1966 ...
... Author.” In Engelbert Kaempfer, The History of Japan: Giving an Account of the Ancient and Present State and Government of That Empire. Translated by J. G. Scheuchzer, 1:xxxv–xlvii. London: Hans Sloane, 1727. Schiebinger, Londa ...
... Engelbert Kaempfer, Geschichte undBeschreibung vonJapan,ausden Originalhandschriften desVerfassers,hg.von Christian ... Author, in: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 21 (1966), S. 237–259, hier S. 239f. 769 ...
... Engelbert Kaempfer ; Physician , Explorer , Scholar and Author . ' JHMAS , 1966 , 21 , 237 . BOWERS , J. Z. & CARRUBBA , R. W. ( 1 ) . ' The Doctoral Thesis of Engelbert Kaempfer : " On Tropical Diseases , Oriental Medicine and Exotic ...
... author, Engelbert Kaempfer (1651–1716), had been employed as a doctor between 1690 and 1692 to attend to the VOC employees in Dejima. As the subtitle of the book published subsequently would suggest, Kaempfer's scientific curiosity ...
... Kaempfer's Japan : Tokugawa Culture Observed , a German travelogue modified and translated into Japanese . The author , Engelbert Kaempfer ( 1651-1716 ) , was a German doctor who worked for a Dutch trading house in Nagasaki in the early ...