James Burgh (1714–1775) was a British Whig politician whose book Political Disquisitions set out an early case for free speech and universal suffrage.
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17.03.2024 · James Burgh, an 18th century British political theorist, advocated for broader protections of speech than was recognized by British law.
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Follow James Burgh and explore their bibliography from Amazon's James Burgh Author Page.
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Discover James Burgh; Life and Works, Political Disquisitions (1774), Contribution to Free Speech Theory, Bibliography ...and more!Unwrap a complete list of ...
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Online Books by James Burgh (Burgh, James, 1714-1775) A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
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Looking for books by James Burgh? See all books authored by James Burgh, including Britain's Remembrancer: Or, The Danger Not Over., and The dignity of ...
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Collectible Books by James Burgh · Political Disquisitions; or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses. · THE ART OF SPEAKING. · Charters and other ...
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Scottish writer James Burgh, whom he cited in Common Sense. He was familiar with both the Court and Country wings of Whig radicalism. He had experienced ...