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lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
This volume presents the proceedings of the ninth workshop of the international network 'Impact of Empire', which concentrates on the history of the Roman Empire.
lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
How did they deal with questions of frontiers and migration, so often in the news today? This collection of ten important essays by C. R. Whittaker, engages with debates and controversies about the Roman frontiers and the concept of empire.
lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
This is the first comprehensive treatment of the Roman military presence in the Near East. Using both well-known and neglected sources, Professor Isaac reassesses the means by which Rome achieved and maintained her contorl over the region.
lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
Lintott goes beyond the preconceptions formed in the period of British Imperial rule and provides a contemporary post-imperial approach to the Roman exercise of power.
lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
This book comprises 16 articles published over 30 years, together with addenda and corrigenda, and two new essays.
lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
Too often the frontier has been represented as a simple linear boundary. The reality, argues Dr Elton, was rather a fuzzy set of interlocking zones - political, military, judicial and financial.
lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
An original interpretation of the fundamental transformations of Rome's society, culture and identity during the period of its imperial expansion.
lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
This book seeks to discover what the Romans themselves thought about their empire by examining the changing meaning of key terms.
lechtal market (nah and frisch) - heel reviews from
As the Roman empire was transformed, the meaning and impact of frontiers changed as the new Gothic, Lombard and Frankish kingdoms, as well as the empire as a whole, sought to define their realms, control movements, establish exchange ...