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subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
Joseph Bonanno provides a unique view of life inside the Mafia, describing the organization and its important figures and his vision of this closed society as a confederacy of men of honor.
subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
Mapper of Mountains also tells the story of the Rocky Mountain Repeat Photography Project, which studies the changes sustained in the Rockies, repeating the field work accomplished by Bridgland almost a century ago.
subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
Aksi masa Tan Malaka 1926 ini mempunyai revolusi yang mana untuk menentukan kelas yang memegang kekuasaan negara, politik, dan ekonomi, serta dijalankan dengan cara kekeerasan.
subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
From its first paragraph, the book draws the reader into the ambiance of a cosmopolitan Asia never touched upon by any other book ?
subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
One part love story, one part practical advice, this compelling book includes several unique elements: Excerpts from Elaine’s journal, recounting her thoughts, concerns, and frustrations as the disease progresses A recurring feature ...
subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
Unique in conception, this volume contributes importantly to current debates on writing, texts, and reflexivity in anthropology.
subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
A short memoir of of a young man in a wheelchair meeting the Triratna Buddhist Community in Glasgow in the 1970's.
subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
I AM MALALA is the remarkable tale of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of the fight for girls' education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents ...
subject:"Biography & Autobiography" from
Now this powerful, step-by-step program will help you to: · Mobilize four key sources of energy · Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal · Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do · Create ...