The Bible Word-Book. - Scholar's Choice Edition

The Bible Word-Book. - Scholar's Choice Edition

Buch von William Aldis Wright
The Bible Word-Book. - Scholar's Choice Edition. William Aldis Wright | 9781298319258 | 2015 | Scholars Choice | English | 694 Pages. 9781298319258.
Featured Edition · 9781298319258: The Bible Word-book. - Scholar's Choice Edition · Scholar's Choice, 2015 (Softcover) · 9781117939087: The Bible Word-book.
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A clear and detailed glossary of hundreds of obsolete and archaic words commonly used in the Authorised Version of the Bible.
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The Bible Word-Book: A Glossary of Archaic Words and Phrases in the Authorised Version of the Bible and Book of Common Prayer. 698. by William Aldis Wright
The Bible Word-Book. A Glossary of Archaic Words and Phrases in the Authorised Version of the Bible and Book of Common Prayer. Search within full text.
The Bible Word-Book : A Glossary of Archaic Words and Phrases in the Authorized Version of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer (Hardcover).
William Aldis Wright (1831-1914) was a literary and biblical scholar who served first as Librarian, then Bursar, at Trinity College, Cambridge, and as secretary ...
It draws on Wright's extensive experience in both literary and biblical study and offers a clear and detailed glossary of hundreds of obsolete and archaic words ...
The Bible Word-book; a Glossary of Archaic Words and Phrases in the Authorised Version of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer · William Aldis Wright ...
A glossary of archaic words and phrases in the authorised version of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer.