Caldwell Vineyard & Winery
Address: 270 Kreuzer Ln, Napa, CA 94559
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 10 AM
Phone: (707) 255-1294
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One of the most diverse and influential vineyards in America with 11 grape varieties, and a portfolio of 23 estate wines crafted by a smuggler, a master cooper.
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Please fill out this form and someone from our team will reach back out to you shortly. · Caldwell Vineyard. 270 Kreuzer Lane, Napa, CA 94559 · 707.255.1294.
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(58) · $$$
The #1 thing that stands out at a Caldwell tasting is they start with the most $$$$ bottle. They don't believe in saving the best for last.
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123 products ; 2004 Gold Cabernet Sauvignon · $250.00 USD ; 2012 Joy Caldwell Extra Brut Blanc de Noir Single Vineyard Grand Cru · $300.00 USD ; 2014 DOURO Tannat ...
Missing: 270 kreuzer lane napa ca 94559
$449.00. per adult. The area. Address. 169 Kreuzer Ln, Napa, CA 94559-3604. Reach out directly. Visit website. Call Email. Full view. Best nearby. Restaurants.
Contact. (707) 255.1294 · Winery Address. 270 Kreuzer Lane Napa, CA 94559 · Hours. Tastings are available by. appointment only – 10am, ...
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270 Kreuzer Ln, Napa CA 94559 ... The 123-acre estate is home to much more than grapes. With a scandalous history of smuggling, this vineyard is as rich in ...
270 Kreuzer Lane, Napa, California. PLEASE be mindful of your speed and keep it low & slow when driving the picturesque path to the cave.
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Price list collected: 29-Sep-2024. Contact details. USA (California). 169 Kreuzer Lane, Napa, CA 94559. Open Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Monday 10:00 AM - 4: ...
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0114 ,. Caldwell Winery tel. +1 707.255.1294 270 Kreuzer Lane Napa, CA 94559. Cali 351 tel. +1 707.942.6200 P.O. Box 435. Calistoga, CA 94515. Calistoga Wine ...
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