A thousand miles up the Nile

A thousand miles up the Nile

Buch von Amelia Edwards
4,1/5 · Goodreads
Datum der Erstveröffentlichung: 1877
Genre: Reiseliteratur
A donkey-ride and a boating-trip interspersed with ruins does, in fact, sum up in a single line the whole experience of the Nile traveller.
"A Thousand Miles Up the Nile" by Amelia B. Edwards is a travel narrative and exploration account written in the late 19th century. The book chronicles the ...
Bewertung (334)
An English novelist, journalist, lady traveller and Egyptologist, born to an Irish mother and a father who had been a British Army officer before becoming a ...
Bewertung (141)
Book overview. As enthralling as any work of fiction, A Thousand Miles up the Nile is the quintessential Victorian travel book. In 1873, Amelia B. Edwards, a Victorian gentlewoman, spent the winter visiting the then largely unspoiled splendors of ancient Egypt.
A handsome production by Edwards (1831 –1892), an English woman journalist, traveler and Egyptologist who describes her 1873 -1874 voyage in this work. The work ...
In 1873, Amelia B. Edwards, an upper-class Victorian spinster, spent the winter visiting the then largely unspoiled splendors of ancient Egypt. Temple at Abou ...
A Thousand Miles up the Nile. Amelia B. Edwards. Seller: Zeds Books, Ashburn, VA, U.S.A. 5-star rating. First Edition. Used - Hardcover
A thousand miles up the Nile. Names. Edwards, Amelia B., 1831-1892. Created / Published. Boston, J. Knight Co. [1888]. Headings. - Nile River; - Egypt ...
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In 1873, Amelia B. Edwards, a Victorian gentlewoman, spent the winter visiting the then largely unspoiled splendors of ancient Egypt. An accurate and ...