A screenshot of the Victoria Milan website. Photo: SCMP Pictures

"Victoria Milan. Relive the passion. Have an affair.” Do you feel trapped in a monotonous and loveless marriage? Victoria Milan is a new dating site “for married and attached people seeking confidential affairs.” Whether you seek “an innocent and friendly web flirt, a casual one-night stand, or a long term real life affair”, Victoria Milan promises to provide a safe, anonymous online environment. You can search and interact with married and attached members. Europe-based, it seems now to have spread its cheating wings to Hong Kong . “Our members are people just like you, seeking to relive that magical feeling once again.” That magical feeling? Well, good luck.

A third of online singles lie
Studies show, the Victoria Milan folks continue, that a third of online singles are not at all single. They are married or attached and lying. No surprises there. But VM is a dating site specifically created for attached people seeking a fling, “so there is no reason to hide or lie about your relationship status.” Well, except to your partner, of course. But partners don’t seem to matter. This sure is the “me” generation.

Hidden shallows
Most members want someone married, so be honest about your status, they insist. Honest? On a cheating website? No need to fess up to your real relationship status. They don’t even want your name or ID. Just create your own user ID and away you go.

Then comes the best bit: “Get acquainted with members and share more personal information as they gain your trust.” That’s right: trust. What does trust have to do with cheating?

After that other adultery website: Ashley Madison, that we had scraped the barrel. Seemingly not – the conclusion is there’s a lot of dishonest people out there.

Avoid high tech trap

Victoria Milan publishes quirky little surveys. This one caught my eye: Top five ways to avoid being caught in a high tech trap

Although smartphones, tablets and new technology often come between partners and wreck their intimate moments, it helps the search for that partner - or the next.

We pay more attention to our mobile devices than our partners, during meals, watching movies, mid conversation, even immediately after sex, apparently. Well, at least it’s after, not during sex.

What’s the long-term impact, if any? The latest Victoria Milan survey finds this fuels desire for illicit affairs, to replace the intimacy that’s now directed at the cell phone. But won’t the same thing just happen to that new relationship? And oh dear, mobile phones and tablets can also increase the chance of getting caught cheating. There’s a certain poetic justice in that. 

Nearly half of the 6000 VM users surveyed said they cheat because their partner is more interested in his or her mobile device. Yes, coming second to a piece of plastic is galling. Guiltiest are those aged 30-50. Yes, it’s downright rude. VM says if you don't want your partner to stray, keep your phone in your pocket.
But, technology may kill the relationship, but makes cheating easier. A whopping 66% of respondents insist that they wouldn’t be unfaithful at all without their techie gadgets: the Internet in particular. It’s kind of a double bind.

Advice for cheaters
1. Never give out your mobile number. It is suspicious to get frequent messages and calls or texts. You never know when your love-struck other will ring. And always create a new email address for cheating.
2. Never contact your squeeze via your home device. It’s easy to forget to close your email or clear history, and your snooping partner may catch you red-handed, VM says.
3. Never take pictures with your lover. Pictures can pop up on social networks when you least expect it. And never use social media with your lover: it’s designed for sharing and is not secure. You don’t say.
4. Remember your credit card movements are always recorded. Pay cash when you can.
5. Turn off your car GPS devices; they record all your trips, including trysts with your lover.

This is all fascinating stuff, but I can only draw one conclusion. Victoria Milan’s members must be dumb as well as deceitful. Why bother to get hitched at all if you prefer to cheat?
