The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

When Edward Hopper fell in love with Jo Nivison, she turned his life around

A brilliant show at the Cape Ann Museum in Gloucester, Mass., looks at the four summers Hopper spent in the seaside town with the painter he married

Review by
Edward Hopper's “Hodgkin's House,” 1928. Oil on canvas. (Heirs of Josephine N. Hopper/Artist Rights Society, New York)
9 min

GLOUCESTER, Mass. — How well do you know your Ed Hopper?

The question almost sounds insolent because, of course, America’s favorite 20th-century painter was not “Ed.” He was very much Edward. Reserved. A bit stiff (like his nudes). Anglo-Saxon. A connoisseur of solitude.

Edward Hopper to you and me.

On the other hand, we know his wife, who was born Josephine Nivison, as Jo.